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Step: ShopwareUpdateProducts (Shopware 6)

Mit diesem Step können Sie Artikel und Varianten in einem Shopware 6 aktualisieren. Zum setzen von Beständen und Preisen vorhandener Artikel oder Varianten können die Steps ShopwareSetStockAndPriceverwendet werden. Um neue Produkte zu importieren können Sie den Step ShopwareAddProducts verwenden.




Wählen Sie hier Ihren Shopware 6 Verbindung aus, um auf die Schnittstelle Ihres Shops zuzugreifen zu können (weitere Informationen)

productSpreadsheet Verknüpfung zu einem (Output) Spreadsheet eines vorherigen Step, dass z.B. mit Artikeldaten eines Lieferanten enthält

mappingdefinition Durch einen Klick auf "Konfigurieren" können Sie die Spalten des eben verknüpften Spreadsheets zuweisen. Weiterhin haben Sie, falls benötigt, die Möglichkeit die im Spreadsheet enthaltenen Daten zu mappen.
limit (optional)

Dieser Filter schränkt ein wie viele Artikel maximal aktualisiert werden. Gerade während der Erstellung eines Flows ist es praktisch diesen Wert eher klein zu halten (z.B. 1), damit der Aufwand zur Korrektur bei evtl. Fehlern minimiert wird.

Default: 10

Beschreibung der Zielspalten

Mit Klick auf den “Konfigurieren” Button gelangen Sie in die sogenannte Mapping Ansicht. Hier können Sie weitere, optional Spalten für die neuen Artikel zuordnen oder mit festen Werten befüllen.

Felder Anmerkungen Pflichtfeld Standardwert
Id ID des Produkt bzw. der Variante (Abgleichfeld) ja
ProductNumber Produktnummer


Titel des Artikels

TaxId ID des Steuersatzes

Stock Neuer Bestand des Produkts

Description Beschreibungstext





Keywords SEO-Schlüsselwörter

MarkAsTopseller Produkt hervorheben, Ja (true) oder Nein (false)

DisplayInListing Abverkauf, Ja (true) oder Nein (false)

DeliveryTimeId ID der Lieferzeit


Wiederauffüllzeit in Tagen

ShippingFree Versandkostenfrei.  Ja (true) oder Nein (false)

MinPurchase Mindestabnahme

PurchaseSteps Staffelung

MaxPurchase Maximalabnahme

IsCloseout Abverkauf

ReleaseDate Erscheinungsdatum


ManufacturerNumber Herstellernummer

ManufacturerId ID des Herstellers

Width Breite

Height Höhe

Length Länge

Weight Gewicht

PurchaseUnit Verkaufseinheit

TagIds Semikolon getrennte Liste der Tag IDs

VisibilitySaleschannelIds Semikolon getrennte Liste der Verkaufskanal IDs

CategoryIds Semikolon getrennte Liste der Kategorie IDs

CustomFields Zusatzfelder können als Schlüssel-Wert Paare angegeben werden, in der Form: Feld1=Wert1;Feld2=Wert2


Das sind die Optionen, mit denen man den Step konfigurieren kann.

Name Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Werte
account ACCOUNT Ihre Shopware 6 Verbindung Ja
limit STRING Begrenzt die Anzahl der Artikel die aktualisiert werden sollen. Leer für unbegrenzt. Nein
productSpreadsheet SPREADSHEET Ein SPREADSHEET, dass mindestens die Artikel-ID und die Artikeldaten enthält, welche in der Shopware aktualisiert werden sollen. Ja
mappingdefinition STRING Die Mapping-Definition Nein
Folgende Felder sind zu konfigurieren:

Feld Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Standardwert
IdSINGLEUnique identity of the product.Nein
ProductNumberSINGLEUnique number assigned to individual products. Define rules for automatic assignment of every product creation as per your number range.Nein
NameSINGLEName of the product.Nein
TaxIdSINGLEUnique identity of tax.Nein
StockSINGLEIndicates the number of products available.Nein
PurchasePriceSINGLEDeprecated field: Only used in older Shopware 6 Version. Please use ShopwareSetStockAndPrice Step to update Purchase Price of Products.Nein
DescriptionSINGLEDescription of the product.Nein
MetaDescriptionSINGLEA short description of the product for search results listings.Nein
MetaTitleSINGLEA page title indexed by search engines and appears in search results listings.Nein
KeywordsSINGLEKeywords that give additional information about the Product.Nein
AdditionalTextSINGLE(depracated) AdditonalText is not used anymore. The column will be remove in a future version of this Step.Nein
ActiveSINGLEIf true, the products are available for selection in the storefront for purchase.Nein
MarkAsTopsellerSINGLEIndicates weather the product is top seller or not.Nein
DisplayInListingSINGLE(depracated) This column is not used anymore and will be removed in future version of this step.Nein
DeliveryTimeIdSINGLEUnique identity of delivery time.Nein
RestockTimeSINGLEThe restock time in days indicates how long it will take until a sold out item is back in stock.Nein
ShippingFreeSINGLEIndicates weather the shipping price is free or not.Nein
MinPurchaseSINGLEMinimum number of items that can be purchased.Nein
PurchaseStepsSINGLESpecifies the scales in which the item is to be offered. For example, a scale of 2 means that your customers can purchase 2, 4, 6 products, etc., but not 1, 3 or 5.Nein
MaxPurchaseSINGLEMaximum number of items that can be purchased.Nein
IsCloseoutSINGLEWhen the value is set to true, the product is hidden when sold out.Nein
ReleaseDateSINGLEThe release date of a product or product model. This can be used to distinguish the exact variant of a product.Nein
EANSINGLEIndicates EAN of the product.Nein
ManufacturerNumberSINGLEUnique number that describes the manufacturer.Nein
ManufacturerIdSINGLEUnique identity of the manufacturer.Nein
WidthSINGLEThe width of the product.Nein
HeightSINGLEThe height of the product.Nein
LengthSINGLEThe length of the product.Nein
WeightSINGLEThe weight of the product.Nein
PurchaseUnitSINGLEQuantity of the item purchased. For example, 500ml, 2kg, etc.Nein
MediaIdsMAPMedia Ids as semicolon separated list, e.g. 25ab9d62bbc346f480549861f0f657b2;cbcee43364b444fb879eb2dd05b280ac. It is also possible to set the position of media ids in the form eg. 25ab9d62bbc346f480549861f0f657b2=0;cbcee43364b444fb879eb2dd05b280ac=1,...Nein
TagIdsMULTIPLEVALUETag ids as semicolon separated list, e.g. 25ab9d62bbc346f480549861f0f657b2;cbcee43364b444fb879eb2dd05b280acNein
VisibilitySaleschannelIdsMULTIPLEVALUEVisibility ids as semicolon separated list, e.g. 25ab9d62bbc346f480549861f0f657b2;cbcee43364b444fb879eb2dd05b280acNein
CategoryIdsMULTIPLEVALUETag ids as semicolon separated list of category ids, e.g. 25ab9d62bbc346f480549861f0f657b2;cbcee43364b444fb879eb2dd05b280acNein
PropertyGroupOptionIdsMULTIPLEVALUEProperty Group Option Ids as semicolon separated list of property ids, e.g. 25ab9d62bbc346f480549861f0f657b2;cbcee43364b444fb879eb2dd05b280acNein


Das sind die Ergebnisse des Steps, die von nachfolgenden Steps, nach der Ausführung verwendet werden können.

Name Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Werte
results SPREADSHEET Das Ergebnis SPREADSHEET mit den aktualisierten Produkten. Ja
Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:

Feld Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Standardwert
TypeSINGLEType of product.Nein
identifierSINGLEThe identifier column to import Spreadsheet into a Datastore.Nein
IdSINGLEUnique identity of the product.Nein
parent_identifierSINGLEThe parent_identifier column to import Spreadsheet into a Datastore.Nein
ParentIdSINGLEUnique identity of the parent product (MainVariant).Nein
ChildCountSINGLENumber of variants the product has.Nein
ProductNumberSINGLEUnique number assigned to individual products. Define rules for automatic assignment of every product creation as per your number range.Nein
NameSINGLEName of the product.Nein
MetaTitleSINGLEA page title indexed by search engines and appears in search results listings.Nein
MetaDescriptionSINGLEA short description of the product for search results listings.Nein
DescriptionSINGLEDescription of the product.Nein
KeywordsSINGLEKeywords that give additional information about the Product.Nein
AdditionalTextSINGLE(depracated) AdditonalText is not used anymore. The column will be remove in a future version of this Step.Nein
ActiveSINGLEIf true, the products are available for selection in the storefront for purchase.Nein
MarkAsTopsellerSINGLEIndicates weather the product is top seller or not.Nein
CoverIdSINGLEUnique identity of a ProductMedia item used as product cover.Nein
CoverUrlSINGLEUrl of cover image.Nein
ImageUrlsMULTIPLEVALUEA list of image URLs (media type = image)Nein
MediaIdsMULTIPLEVALUEA list of product media IdsNein
MediaUrlsMULTIPLEVALUEA list of the URLs of all product media (including images)Nein
PriceGrossSINGLEThe gross price value.Nein
PriceNetSINGLEThe net price valueNein
PriceLinkedSINGLEIf true, the net and gross value is linkedNeintrue
PriceListPriceGrossSINGLEThe gross list price value.Nein
PriceListPriceNetSINGLEThe net list price value.Nein
PriceListPriceLinkedSINGLEIf true, the net list price and gross list price is linkedNein
PriceRegulationPriceGrossSINGLEThe gross regulation price value.Nein
PriceRegulationPriceNetSINGLEThe net regulation price value.Nein
PriceRegulationPriceLinkedSINGLEIf true, the net regulation price and gross regulation price is linkedNein
PurchasePriceSINGLE(depracated) Purchase price (gross) of default currency.Nein
PurchasePriceGrossSINGLEThe gross price value.Nein
PurchasePriceNetSINGLEThe net price valueNein
PurchasePriceLinkedSINGLEIf true, the net and gross value is linkedNeintrue
DefaultCurrencyIdSINGLEUnique identity of currency.Nein
DefaultCurrencyNameSINGLEFull name of the currency. For example, US-Dollar.Nein
DefaultCurrencyIsoCodeSINGLEStandard international three digit code to represent currency. For example, USD.Nein
TaxIdSINGLEUnique identity of tax.Nein
TaxRateSINGLERate of tax.Nein
TaxNameSINGLEName defined for a Tax.Nein
StockSINGLEIndicates the number of products available.Nein
AvailableStockSINGLEIndicates the number of products still available. This value results from the stock minus the open orders.Nein
AvailableSINGLEIndicates weather the product is available or not.Nein
DisplayInListingSINGLE(depracated) This column is not used anymore and will be removed in future version of this step.Nein
DeliveryTimeIdSINGLEUnique identity of delivery time.Nein
RestockTimeSINGLEThe restock time in days indicates how long it will take until a sold out item is back in stock.Nein
ShippingFreeSINGLEIndicates weather the shipping price is free or not.Nein
MinPurchaseSINGLEMinimum number of items that can be purchased.Nein
PurchaseStepsSINGLESpecifies the scales in which the item is to be offered. For example, a scale of 2 means that your customers can purchase 2, 4, 6 products, etc., but not 1, 3 or 5.Nein
MaxPurchaseSINGLEMaximum number of items that can be purchased.Nein
IsCloseoutSINGLEWhen the value is set to true, the product is hidden when sold out.Nein
ReleaseDateSINGLEThe release date of a product or product model. This can be used to distinguish the exact variant of a product.Nein
EANSINGLEIndicates EAN of the product.Nein
ManufacturerNumberSINGLEUnique number that describes the manufacturer.Nein
ManufacturerIdSINGLEUnique identity of the manufacturer.Nein
ManufacturerMediaIdSINGLEUnique identity of the media.Nein
ManufacturerLinkSINGLEURL of the manufacturer's portal.Nein
ManufacturerNameSINGLEName of the product manufacturer.Nein
ManufacturerDescriptionSINGLEA detailed description of product manufacturer.Nein
WidthSINGLEThe width of the product.Nein
HeightSINGLEThe height of the product.Nein
LengthSINGLEThe length of the product.Nein
WeightSINGLEThe weight of the product.Nein
PurchaseUnitSINGLEQuantity of the item purchased. For example, 500ml, 2kg, etc.Nein
UnitIdSINGLEUnique identity of the unit.Nein
UnitShortCodeSINGLEShort name for unit, e.g., m, kg.Nein
UnitNameSINGLEFull name of the unit, e.g., Meter, kilogram.Nein
PackUnitSINGLEType of packing. For example, bottle, tin, crate, etc.Nein
ReferenceUnitSINGLEPrice of purchased item calculated as per the reference unit. Say, you bought 500ml of milk and the price is calculated in reference to 1000ml.Nein
ProductIdSINGLEUnique identity of the product.Nein
AdvancedPricesGrossMAPAdvanced pricing (gross) as map, e.g. ruleId1=11;ruleId2=13.20Nein
AdvancedPricesNetMAPAdvanced pricing (net) as map, e.g. ruleId1=11;ruleId2=13.20Nein
AdvancedPricesListPriceGrossMAPAdvanced pricing (gross list price) as map, e.g. ruleId1=11;ruleId2=13.20Nein
AdvancedPricesListPriceNetMAPAdvanced pricing (net list price) as map, e.g. ruleId1=11;ruleId2=13.20Nein
ConfiguratorSettingsIdOptionIdMapMAPMap of configurator settings ids and optionId (id1=optionId1;id2=optionId2,...).Nein
ConfiguratorSettingsOptionPriceGrossMapMAPConfigurator settings (option id=price gross ) as map, e.g. option1=11.00;option2=13.20Nein
ConfiguratorSettingsOptionPriceNetMapMAPConfigurator settings (option id=price net ) as map, e.g. option1=11.00;option2=13.20Nein
VersionIdSINGLEUnique identity of the product's version.Nein
ParentVersionIdSINGLEUnique identity of the parent product's version.Nein