Updates metafields. Please note that namespace and key cannot be changed.
Das sind die Optionen, mit denen man den Step konfigurieren kann.
Name | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Werte |
input | SPREADSHEET | Spreadsheet of items to be proceeded | Ja | |
mappingdefinition | STRING | The mapping definition JSON String | Ja | |
| Folgende Felder sind zu konfigurieren:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | metafield_id | SINGLE | The unique ID of the metafield. To find the metafield_id for products or product variants, use the step shopifyGetProductMetafields. | Nein | | value | SINGLE | The information to be stored as metadata. | Nein | | value_type | SINGLE | The metafield's information type. Valid values: string, integer, json_string. | Nein | | description | SINGLE | A description of the information that the metafield contains. | Nein | | |
account | ACCOUNT | shopify account data | Ja | |
limit | STRING | Limits the number of rows used from the input SPREADSHEET. Use low values for testing. If limit is empty, all lines are processed. | Nein | |
Das sind die Ergebnisse des Steps, die von nachfolgenden Steps, nach der Ausführung verwendet werden können.
Name | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Werte |
successfullyUpdatedMetafields | SPREADSHEET | List with successfully updated metafields. | Ja | |
| Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | identifier | SINGLE | | Nein | | id | SINGLE | | Nein | | namespace | SINGLE | | Nein | | key | SINGLE | | Nein | | value | SINGLE | | Nein | | value_type | SINGLE | | Nein | | description | SINGLE | | Nein | | owner_id | SINGLE | | Nein | | created_at | SINGLE | | Nein | | updated_at | SINGLE | | Nein | | owner_resource | SINGLE | | Nein | | admin_graphql_api_id | SINGLE | | Nein | | |
failedItems | SPREADSHEET | List with failed items. An error occurred when creating items in shopify. | Ja | |
| Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | identifier | SINGLE | | Nein | | metafield_id | SINGLE | | Nein | | value | SINGLE | | Nein | | value_type | SINGLE | | Nein | | description | SINGLE | | Nein | | errorMessage | SINGLE | | Nein | | |
invalidItems | SPREADSHEET | List of invalid items. Some required fields are missing or values are incorrect. | Ja | |
| Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | identifier | SINGLE | | Nein | | metafield_id | SINGLE | | Nein | | value | SINGLE | | Nein | | value_type | SINGLE | | Nein | | description | SINGLE | | Nein | | |