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shopifyCreateOrders Step

This is the actual step which will be published in your Add-On. Typically it will consist of Flow-Variables, steps for the execution logic and Output-Variables. The corresponding Test-Flow TestFlow-shopifyCreateOrders will then use this step and see the input and outputs.


Das sind die Optionen, mit denen man den Step konfigurieren kann.

Name Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Werte
account ACCOUNT shopify account data Nein
datastore DATASTORE Name of the master datastore. Please not that only a master datastore with a predefined schema for shopify orders can be proceeded! Ja
limit STRING Limits the number of orders used from the master datastore to be created in shopify. Use low values for testing. If limit is empty, all orders are processed. Nein
test STRING Whether these are test orders. If Yes, orders will be created in shopify as test orders. If No, real orders will be created. Nein
  • Yes
  • No
inventory_behaviour STRING The behaviour to use when updating inventory. (default: bypass). bypass: Do not claim inventory. decrement_ignoring_policy: Ignore the product's inventory policy and claim inventory. decrement_obeying_policy: Follow the product's inventory policy and claim inventory, if possible. Nein
  • bypass
  • decrement_ignoring_policy
  • decrement_obeying_policy
send_receipt STRING Whether to send an order confirmation to the customer. If Yes, an order confirmation will be sent to the customer after order creation. Nein
  • No
  • Yes


Das sind die Ergebnisse des Steps, die von nachfolgenden Steps, nach der Ausführung verwendet werden können.

Name Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Werte
successfullyCreatedOrders SPREADSHEET Ja
Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:

Feld Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Standardwert
failedOrders SPREADSHEET Ja
Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:

Feld Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Standardwert