identifier | SINGLE | The identifier column to import Spreadsheet into a Datastore. | Nein | |
CustomerID | SINGLE | The ID of the contact. | Nein | |
ExternalCustomerID | SINGLE | The external ID of the contact. | Nein | |
CustomerNumber | SINGLE | The number of the contact. | Nein | |
Type | SINGLE | The ID of the contact type (see PlentyONE CRM - types settings). | Nein | |
FirstName | SINGLE | The first name of the contact. | Nein | |
Surname | SINGLE | The last name of the contact. | Nein | |
FullName | SINGLE | The full name of the contact. A concatenation of first and last name. | Nein | |
Email | SINGLE | The private email address of the contact. | Nein | |
SecondaryEmail | SINGLE | The secondary private email address of the contact. | Nein | |
Gender | SINGLE | The gender of the contact or interested party | Nein | |
FormOfAddress | SINGLE | The form of address for the contact. | Nein | |
Newsletter | SINGLE | The time the contact registered for the newsletter. | Nein | |
CustomerClass | SINGLE | The ID of the contact class. | Nein | |
IsBlocked | SINGLE | The blocked status of the contact. Contacts can be blocked for a specific client (store). | Nein | |
CustomerRating | SINGLE | The rating of the contact. This rating is for internal use only. 5 red stars are for the worst and 5 yellow stars for the best rating. | Nein | |
DebitorAccount | SINGLE | The book account (debitor account) of the contact. An additional, separate number that generally corresponds to the customer number or the debtor number in your financial accounting. | Nein | |
Language | SINGLE | The language of the contact. | Nein | |
ReferrerID | SINGLE | The origin of the contact. | Nein | |
PlentyID | SINGLE | The client (store ID) that is assigned to the contact. | Nein | |
ResponsibleID | SINGLE | The owner ID (user ID) of the contact. | Nein | |
DateOfBirth | SINGLE | The date of birth of the contact. | Nein | |
LastLogin | SINGLE | The date of the last login of the contact. | Nein | |
LastSalesOrder | SINGLE | The date of the last order. | Nein | |
CreatedAt | SINGLE | The date the contact was created. | Nein | |
UpdatedAt | SINGLE | The date the contact was last updated. | Nein | |
Telephone | SINGLE | The private phone number of the contact. | Nein | |
Fax | SINGLE | The private fax number of the contact. | Nein | |
Mobile | SINGLE | The private mobile phone number of the contact. | Nein | |
EbayName | SINGLE | The eBay account name of the contact. | Nein | |
PaypalEmail | SINGLE | The email address of the PayPal account of the contact. | Nein | |
PaypalPayerId | SINGLE | The PayPal payer id of the contact. | Nein | |
KlarnaPersonalId | SINGLE | The Klarna personal id of the contact. | Nein | |
Postident | SINGLE | The DHL PostIdent of the contact. | Nein | |
ForumUsername | SINGLE | The user name of the contact in the forum. | Nein | |
ForumGroupId | SINGLE | The ID of the forum group that is assigned to the contact. | Nein | |
SingleAccess | SINGLE | The access type of the contact. | Nein | |
ContactPerson | SINGLE | The contact person of the contact. | Nein | |
MarketplacePartner | SINGLE | The marketplace partner status of the contact. | Nein | |
SalesRepresentativeContactID | SINGLE | The salesRepresentative ID of the contact | Nein | |
InvoiceAllowed | SINGLE | True, if invoice payment is allowed. | Nein | |
DebitAllowed | SINGLE | True, if debit payment is allowed. | Nein | |
AllowedMethodsOfPayment | MULTIPLEVALUE | Semicolon separated list of all allowed payment method IDs | Nein | |
VAT_ID | SINGLE | The vat number of the contact. | Nein | |
BillingAddress_ID | SINGLE | ID of Address for update. Leave empty to create a new address (CustomerID required). | Nein | |
BillingAddress_TypeID | SINGLE | TypeID can only be used for new addresses ('ID' column is empty) | Nein | |
BillingAddress_Gender | SINGLE | The gender | Nein | |
BillingAddress_Company | SINGLE | The name 1 field (defaults to: company name). | Nein | |
BillingAddress_FirstName | SINGLE | The name 2 field (defaults to: first name). | Nein | |
BillingAddress_Surname | SINGLE | The name 3 field (defaults to: last name). | Nein | |
BillingAddress_AdditionalName | SINGLE | The name 4 field (defaults to: c/o). | Nein | |
BillingAddress_Street | SINGLE | The address 1 field (defaults to: street, 'PACKSTATION' or 'POSTFILIALE') | Nein | |
BillingAddress_HouseNumber | SINGLE | The address 2 field (defaults to: houseNumber, packstationNo) | Nein | |
BillingAddress_AdditionalAddress3 | SINGLE | The address 3 field (defaults to: additional) | Nein | |
BillingAddress_AdditionalAddress4 | SINGLE | The address 4 field is currently undefined and can be freely used. | Nein | |
BillingAddress_ZIP | SINGLE | The postcode. | Nein | |
BillingAddress_City | SINGLE | The town. | Ja | |
BillingAddress_CountryID | SINGLE | The ID of the country. | Ja | |
BillingAddress_StateID | SINGLE | The ID of the state. | Nein | |
BillingAddress_ReadOnly | SINGLE | Flag that indicates if the data record is read only. | Nein | |
BillingAddress_ContactPerson | SINGLE | The contact person option (alias for option with typeId 12). | Nein | |
BillingAddress_VATNumber | SINGLE | The tax id number (VAT number) option (alias for option with typeId 1). | Nein | |
BillingAddress_ExternalAddressID | SINGLE | The external ID option (alias for option with typeId 2). | Nein | |
BillingAddress_EntryCertificate | SINGLE | The entry certificate (bool) option (alias for option with typeId 3). | Nein | |
BillingAddress_Telephone | SINGLE | The phone number option (alias for option with typeId 4). | Nein | |
BillingAddress_Email | SINGLE | The email option (alias for option with typeId 5). | Nein | |
BillingAddress_Postnumber | SINGLE | The post number option (alias for option with typeId 6). | Nein | |
BillingAddress_PersonalID | SINGLE | The personal ID option (alias for option with typeId 7). | Nein | |
BillingAddress_BBFC | SINGLE | The BBFC/FSK option (alias for option with typeId 8). | Nein | |
BillingAddress_Birthday | SINGLE | The birthday option (alias for option with typeId 9). | Nein | |
BillingAddress_SessionID | SINGLE | The frontend session ID (alias for option with typeId 10). | Nein | |
BillingAddress_Title | SINGLE | The title/salutation (alias for option with typeId 11). | Nein | |
BillingAddress_CheckedAt | SINGLE | The time the address was checked. | Nein | |
BillingAddress_CreatedAt | SINGLE | The time the address was created. | Nein | |
BillingAddress_UpdatedAt | SINGLE | The time the address was updated. | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_ID | SINGLE | ID of Address for update. Leave empty to create a new address (CustomerID required). | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_TypeID | SINGLE | TypeID can only be used for new addresses ('ID' column is empty) | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_Gender | SINGLE | The gender | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_Company | SINGLE | The name 1 field (defaults to: company name). | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_FirstName | SINGLE | The name 2 field (defaults to: first name). | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_Surname | SINGLE | The name 3 field (defaults to: last name). | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_AdditionalName | SINGLE | The name 4 field (defaults to: c/o). | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_Street | SINGLE | The address 1 field (defaults to: street, 'PACKSTATION' or 'POSTFILIALE') | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_HouseNumber | SINGLE | The address 2 field (defaults to: houseNumber, packstationNo) | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_AdditionalAddress3 | SINGLE | The address 3 field (defaults to: additional) | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_AdditionalAddress4 | SINGLE | The address 4 field is currently undefined and can be freely used. | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_ZIP | SINGLE | The postcode. | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_City | SINGLE | The town. | Ja | |
DeliveryAddress_CountryID | SINGLE | The ID of the country. | Ja | |
DeliveryAddress_StateID | SINGLE | The ID of the state. | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_ReadOnly | SINGLE | Flag that indicates if the data record is read only. | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_ContactPerson | SINGLE | The contact person option (alias for option with typeId 12). | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_VATNumber | SINGLE | The tax id number (VAT number) option (alias for option with typeId 1). | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_ExternalAddressID | SINGLE | The external ID option (alias for option with typeId 2). | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_EntryCertificate | SINGLE | The entry certificate (bool) option (alias for option with typeId 3). | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_Telephone | SINGLE | The phone number option (alias for option with typeId 4). | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_Email | SINGLE | The email option (alias for option with typeId 5). | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_Postnumber | SINGLE | The post number option (alias for option with typeId 6). | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_PersonalID | SINGLE | The personal ID option (alias for option with typeId 7). | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_BBFC | SINGLE | The BBFC/FSK option (alias for option with typeId 8). | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_Birthday | SINGLE | The birthday option (alias for option with typeId 9). | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_SessionID | SINGLE | The frontend session ID (alias for option with typeId 10). | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_Title | SINGLE | The title/salutation (alias for option with typeId 11). | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_CheckedAt | SINGLE | The time the address was checked. | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_CreatedAt | SINGLE | The time the address was created. | Nein | |
DeliveryAddress_UpdatedAt | SINGLE | The time the address was updated. | Nein | |
Account_Id | SINGLE | The ID of the account. | Nein | |
Account_Number | SINGLE | The number of the account. | Nein | |
Account_CompanyName | SINGLE | The company name. | Nein | |
Account_TaxIdNumber | SINGLE | The ID of the tax number | Nein | |
Account_Valuta | SINGLE | The valuta date in days specified for the account. | Nein | |
Account_DiscountDays | SINGLE | The early payment discount period in days specified for the account. | Nein | |
Account_DiscountPercent | SINGLE | The early payment discount in percent specified for the account. | Nein | |
Account_TimeForPaymentAllowedDays | SINGLE | The payment due date in days specified for the account. | Nein | |
Account_SalesRepresentativeContactId | SINGLE | The contact ID of the sales representative. | Nein | |
Account_UserId | SINGLE | The (user) ID of the account owner. | Nein | |
Account_DeliveryTime | SINGLE | The delivery time for the supplier. | Nein | |
Account_DealerMinOrderValue | SINGLE | The minimum order value for the supplier. | Nein | |
Account_SupplierCurrency | SINGLE | The currency used by a supplier. | Nein | |
Account_CreatedAt | SINGLE | The time the account was created. | Nein | |
Account_UpdatedAt | SINGLE | The time the account was updated. | Nein | |
BankAccount_ContactID | SINGLE | The ID of the contact the bank account belongs to. | Ja | |
BankAccount_OrderID | SINGLE | The ID of the order the bank account belongs to. | Nein | |
BankAccount_AccountOwner | SINGLE | The owner of the bank account. | Ja | |
BankAccount_BankName | SINGLE | The name of the bank. | Nein | |
BankAccount_BankAddress | SINGLE | The address of the bank. | Nein | |
BankAccount_BankPostalCodeTown | SINGLE | The postcode and town of the bank. | Nein | |
BankAccount_BankCountry | SINGLE | The country of the bank. | Nein | |
BankAccount_AccountNumber | SINGLE | The account number of the bank account. | Nein | |
BankAccount_SortCode | SINGLE | The sort code of the bank account. | Nein | |
BankAccount_IBAN | SINGLE | The IBAN of the bank account. | Ja | |
BankAccount_BIC | SINGLE | The BIC of the bank account. | Nein | |
BankAccount_DirectDebitMandateAvailable | SINGLE | Flag that indicates if a direct debit mandate is available. | Nein | |
BankAccount_DirectDebitMandateAt | SINGLE | The time the direct debit mandate was created. | Nein | |
BankAccount_DirectDebitMethod | SINGLE | The direct debit method. | Nein | |
BankAccount_DirectDebitType | SINGLE | The direct debit type. | Nein | |
BankAccount_PaymentMethod | SINGLE | The payment method. | Nein | |
BankAccount_LastUpdateBy | SINGLE | The source of the last change. | Ja | import |
CustomerNotes | MAP | | Nein | |