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PlentySearchOrders Step

Aufträge aus einem plentymarkets-System erhalten.


Das sind die Optionen, mit denen man den Step konfigurieren kann.

Name Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Werte
account ACCOUNT Ihre PlentyONE Verbindung Ja
limitItems STRING Begrenzen Sie die Anzahl der abgerufenen Aufträge. Leer lassen für unbeschränkte Ausgabe. Nein
type STRINGLIST Auftragstyp filtern. Nein
  • Auftrag
  • Lieferauftrag
  • Retoure
  • Gutschrift
  • Gewährleistung
  • Reparaturauftrag
  • Angebot
  • Vorausbestellung
  • Mehrfach-Bestellung
  • Mehrfach-Gutschrift
  • Multi delivery
  • Nachbestellung
  • Partial delivery
  • Umbuchung
orderLastUpdateFrom DATETIME Aktualisierungsdatum von: Filtert Bestellungen die nach diesem Datum aktualisiert wurden (z.B. 2012-02-03 16:00). Nein
orderLastUpdateTo DATETIME Aktualisierungsdatum bis: Filtert Bestellungen die von diesem Datum aktualisiert wurden (z.B. 2012-02-03 16:00). Nein
orderInsertDateFrom DATETIME Erstellungsdatum von: Filtert Bestellungen die nach diesem Datum erstellt wurden (z.B. 2012-02-01 16:00). Nein
orderInsertDateTo DATETIME Filter Erstellungsdatum bis: Filtert Bestellungen die vor diesem Datum erstellt wurden (z.B. 2012-02-06 16:00). Nein
orderCompletedDateFrom DATETIME Datum des Warenausgangs von: Filtert Bestellungen für die nach diesem Datum der Warenausgang gebucht wurde (z.B. 2012-02-01 16:00). Nein
orderCompletedDateTo DATETIME Filter Datum des Warenausgangs bis: Filtert Bestellungen für die vor diesem Datum der Warenausgang gebucht wurde (z.B. 2012-02-06 16:00). Nein
referrerID STRING Filter für die Auftragsherkunft (ReferrerIDs). Leer lassen, um alle auszuwählen. Nein
countryID STRING Filter für eine plenty countryID. Leer lassen, um alle auszuwählen. Nein
orderID STRING Filter für PlentyONE einzelne Order-ID oder Komma getrennte Liste von Order-IDs. Wenn Sie eine Order-ID eingeben, werden alle anderen Filter des Steps ignoriert. Nein
orderIdSpreadsheet SPREADSHEET SPREADSHEET mit Bestell-IDs. Wenn Sie ein Bestell-ID-SPREADSHEET angeben, werden alle anderen Filteroptionen ignoriert. Nein
mappingDefinition STRING Die Mapping-Definition JSON-String Nein
Folgende Felder sind zu konfigurieren:

Feld Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Standardwert
contactID STRING Filter, der das Suchergebnis auf Aufträge eines Auftragskontakts einschränkt. Die ID des Kontakts muss angegeben werden. Nein
externalOrderID STRING Filter für die plenty externalOrderID. Leer lassen, um alle auszuwählen. Nein
orderStatus STRING Filter für den plenty Auftragsstatus oder Komma getrennte Statusliste. Leer lassen, um alle auszuwählen. Nein
orderStatusFrom STRING Filter für einen plenty Auftragsstatus. Leer lassen, um alle auszuwählen. Nein
orderStatusTo STRING Filter für einen plenty Auftragsstatus. Leer lassen, um alle auszuwählen. Nein
orderWarehouseID STRING Filter für eine plenty warehouseID. Lassen Sie das Feld leer, um alle auszuwählen. Nein
storeID STRING Filter für plenty Multishop-IDs. Leer lassen, um alle auszuwählen. Nein
shippingProfileId STRING Filter für plenty Versandprofil-IDs. Leer lassen, um alle auszuwählen. Nein
paymentStatus STRING Filter für einen plenty Zahlungsstatus. Leer lassen, um alle auszuwählen. Nein
  • Alle
  • Unbezahlt
  • Partly Paid
  • Vollständig bezahlt
  • Überbezahlt
enablePackageNumbers BOOLEAN Wenn die Option aktiviert ist, wird die Paketnummer der Bestellungen zurückgegeben. Nein
  • Aktivieren
  • Deaktiviert
enableOrderTags BOOLEAN =Wenn die Option aktiviert ist, werden die Tags der Bestellung abgerufen. Nein
  • Aktivieren
  • Deaktiviert
enableLocation BOOLEAN Wenn die Option aktiviert ist, wird der Abrechnungsort der Bestellung zurückgegeben. Nein
  • Aktiviert
  • Deaktiviert
enableDocuments BOOLEAN Wenn die Option aktiviert ist, werden die Dokumentinformationen der Bestellung zurückgegeben. Nein
  • Aktivieren
  • Deaktiviert
enableOrderNotes BOOLEAN Wenn die Option aktiviert ist, werden die Bestellnotizen zurückgegeben. Nein
  • Aktivieren
  • Deaktiviert
enableCustomerNotes BOOLEAN Wenn die Option aktiviert ist, werden die Kundennotizen zurückgegeben. Nein
  • Aktivieren
  • Deaktiviert
enablePaymentInformations BOOLEAN Wenn die Option aktiviert ist, werden die Zahlungsinformationen zur Bestellung zurückgegeben. Nein
  • Deaktiviert
  • Aktivieren
enableOrderReferences BOOLEAN Wenn die Option aktiviert ist, werden die weitere Referenzen zur Bestellung (originOrderReferencesOrderIdMap und reverseOrderReferencesOrderIdMap) ausgegeben. Nein
  • Aktivieren
  • Deaktiviert
enableOrderItems BOOLEAN Wenn die Option aktiviert ist, werden die Auftragspositionen ausgegeben. Nein
  • Aktivieren
  • Deaktiviert
enableVariationBarcodes BOOLEAN Wenn die Option aktiviert ist, werden die Varianten-Barcodes zurückgegeben. Nein
  • Aktivieren
  • Deaktiviert
enableStorageLocations BOOLEAN Wenn die Option aktiviert ist, werden die Lagerorte der Auftragspositionen zurückgegeben. Nein
  • Aktivieren
  • Deaktiviert
amountType STRING Mit dieser Option können sie auswählen in welcher Währung die Beträge der Bestellung bzw. Bestellpositionen im Resultat ausgegeben werden sollen. Erster Wert: Es wird immer der erste Betrag aus der Antwort von PlentyONE übernommen (zufällige Währung). Verwenden sie diese Option wenn sie keine Bestellungen mit Fremdwährungen haben. 'Bestellwährung': Alle Beträge werden in der Währung des Auftrags ausgegeben. 'Systemwährung': Alle Beträge werden in der plentymarkets-Systemwährung ausgegeben. Nein
  • Erster Wert (zufällig)
  • Bestellwährung
  • Systemwährung


Das sind die Ergebnisse des Steps, die von nachfolgenden Steps, nach der Ausführung verwendet werden können.

Name Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Werte
orders SPREADSHEET Ein SPREADSHEET mit den Bestellungen. Ja
Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:

Feld Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Standardwert
identifierSINGLEThe identifier column to import Spreadsheet into a Datastore.Nein
OrderHeadOrderIDSINGLEThe ID of the orderNein
OrderHeadOrderTypeIDSINGLEThe ID of the order type. It is possible to define individual order types.Nein
OrderHeadOrderTypeSINGLEThe name of order type.Nein
OrderHeadOrderStatusSINGLEThe ID of the order status.Nein
OrderHeadResponsibleIDSINGLEThe user ID of the orders owner.Nein
OrderCreatedAtSINGLEThe date that the order was created.Nein
OrderUpdatedAtSINGLEThe date that the order was updated last.Nein
OrderCompletedAtSINGLEThe date that the order was completed (alias of order date type ID = 5).Nein
OrderCreatedOnAtSINGLEThe date that the order was created on (alias of order date type ID = 2).Nein
OrderPaidAtSINGLEThe date that the order was paid (alias of order date type ID = 3).Nein
OrderReturnDateSINGLEThe order Return date (alias of order date type ID = 6).Nein
OrderPaymentDueDateSINGLEThe order payment due date (alias of order date type ID = 7).Nein
OrderEstimatedShippingDateSINGLEThe estimated shipping date of this order (alias of order date type ID = 8).Nein
OrderEstimatedDeliveryDateSINGLEThe possible / estimated delivery date (alias of order date type ID = 11).Nein
OrderDatesMapSINGLEAll order dates as map(e.g. dateTypeId1=2023-11-03T21:42:46+01:00;dateTypeId2=2023-11-07T09:02:28+01:00;...). See for available date types.Nein
OrderPlentyIDSINGLEThe plenty ID of the client that the order belongs to.Nein
OrderHeadCustomerIDSINGLEThe ID of the contact (receiver contact)Nein
OrderCustomerAddressIDSINGLEID of Address for update. Leave empty to create a new address (CustomerID required).Nein
OrderCustomerAddressTypeIDSINGLETypeID can only be used for new addresses ('ID' column is empty)Nein
OrderCustomerAddressGenderSINGLEThe genderNein
OrderCustomerAddressCompanySINGLEThe name 1 field (defaults to: company name).Nein
OrderCustomerAddressFirstNameSINGLEThe name 2 field (defaults to: first name).Nein
OrderCustomerAddressSurnameSINGLEThe name 3 field (defaults to: last name).Nein
OrderCustomerAddressAdditionalNameSINGLEThe name 4 field (defaults to: c/o).Nein
OrderCustomerAddressStreetSINGLEThe address 1 field (defaults to: street, 'PACKSTATION' or 'POSTFILIALE')Nein
OrderCustomerAddressHouseNumberSINGLEThe address 2 field (defaults to: houseNumber, packstationNo)Nein
OrderCustomerAddressAdditionalAddress3SINGLEThe address 3 field (defaults to: additional)Nein
OrderCustomerAddressAdditionalAddress4SINGLEThe address 4 field is currently undefined and can be freely used.Nein
OrderCustomerAddressZIPSINGLEThe postcode.Nein
OrderCustomerAddressCitySINGLEThe town.Ja
OrderCustomerAddressCountryIDSINGLEThe ID of the country.Ja
OrderCustomerAddressStateIDSINGLEThe ID of the state.Nein
OrderCustomerAddressReadOnlySINGLEFlag that indicates if the data record is read only.Nein
OrderCustomerAddressContactPersonSINGLEThe contact person option (alias for option with typeId 12).Nein
OrderCustomerAddressVATNumberSINGLEThe tax id number (VAT number) option (alias for option with typeId 1).Nein
OrderCustomerAddressExternalAddressIDSINGLEThe external ID option (alias for option with typeId 2).Nein
OrderCustomerAddressEntryCertificateSINGLEThe entry certificate (bool) option (alias for option with typeId 3).Nein
OrderCustomerAddressTelephoneSINGLEThe phone number option (alias for option with typeId 4).Nein
OrderCustomerAddressEmailSINGLEThe email option (alias for option with typeId 5).Nein
OrderCustomerAddressPostnumberSINGLEThe post number option (alias for option with typeId 6).Nein
OrderCustomerAddressPersonalIDSINGLEThe personal ID option (alias for option with typeId 7).Nein
OrderCustomerAddressBBFCSINGLEThe BBFC/FSK option (alias for option with typeId 8).Nein
OrderCustomerAddressBirthdaySINGLEThe birthday option (alias for option with typeId 9).Nein
OrderCustomerAddressSessionIDSINGLEThe frontend session ID (alias for option with typeId 10).Nein
OrderCustomerAddressTitleSINGLEThe title/salutation (alias for option with typeId 11).Nein
OrderCustomerAddressCheckedAtSINGLEThe time the address was checked.Nein
OrderCustomerAddressCreatedAtSINGLEThe time the address was created.Nein
OrderCustomerAddressUpdatedAtSINGLEThe time the address was updated.Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressIDSINGLEID of Address for update. Leave empty to create a new address (CustomerID required).Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressTypeIDSINGLETypeID can only be used for new addresses ('ID' column is empty)Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressGenderSINGLEThe genderNein
OrderDeliveryAddressCompanySINGLEThe name 1 field (defaults to: company name).Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressFirstNameSINGLEThe name 2 field (defaults to: first name).Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressSurnameSINGLEThe name 3 field (defaults to: last name).Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressAdditionalNameSINGLEThe name 4 field (defaults to: c/o).Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressStreetSINGLEThe address 1 field (defaults to: street, 'PACKSTATION' or 'POSTFILIALE')Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressHouseNumberSINGLEThe address 2 field (defaults to: houseNumber, packstationNo)Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressAdditionalAddress3SINGLEThe address 3 field (defaults to: additional)Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressAdditionalAddress4SINGLEThe address 4 field is currently undefined and can be freely used.Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressZIPSINGLEThe postcode.Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressCitySINGLEThe town.Ja
OrderDeliveryAddressCountryIDSINGLEThe ID of the country.Ja
OrderDeliveryAddressStateIDSINGLEThe ID of the state.Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressReadOnlySINGLEFlag that indicates if the data record is read only.Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressContactPersonSINGLEThe contact person option (alias for option with typeId 12).Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressVATNumberSINGLEThe tax id number (VAT number) option (alias for option with typeId 1).Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressExternalAddressIDSINGLEThe external ID option (alias for option with typeId 2).Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressEntryCertificateSINGLEThe entry certificate (bool) option (alias for option with typeId 3).Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressTelephoneSINGLEThe phone number option (alias for option with typeId 4).Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressEmailSINGLEThe email option (alias for option with typeId 5).Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressPostnumberSINGLEThe post number option (alias for option with typeId 6).Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressPersonalIDSINGLEThe personal ID option (alias for option with typeId 7).Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressBBFCSINGLEThe BBFC/FSK option (alias for option with typeId 8).Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressBirthdaySINGLEThe birthday option (alias for option with typeId 9).Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressSessionIDSINGLEThe frontend session ID (alias for option with typeId 10).Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressTitleSINGLEThe title/salutation (alias for option with typeId 11).Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressCheckedAtSINGLEThe time the address was checked.Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressCreatedAtSINGLEThe time the address was created.Nein
OrderDeliveryAddressUpdatedAtSINGLEThe time the address was updated.Nein
OrderContactCustomerIDSINGLEThe ID of the contact.Nein
OrderContactExternalCustomerIDSINGLEThe external ID of the contact.Nein
OrderContactCustomerNumberSINGLEThe number of the contact.Nein
OrderContactTypeSINGLEThe ID of the contact type (see PlentyONE CRM - types settings).Nein
OrderContactFirstNameSINGLEThe first name of the contact.Nein
OrderContactSurnameSINGLEThe last name of the contact.Nein
OrderContactFullNameSINGLEThe full name of the contact. A concatenation of first and last name.Nein
OrderContactEmailSINGLEThe private email address of the contact.Nein
OrderContactSecondaryEmailSINGLEThe secondary private email address of the contact.Nein
OrderContactGenderSINGLEThe gender of the contact or interested partyNein
OrderContactFormOfAddressSINGLEThe form of address for the contact.Nein
OrderContactNewsletterSINGLEThe time the contact registered for the newsletter.Nein
OrderContactCustomerClassSINGLEThe ID of the contact class.Nein
OrderContactIsBlockedSINGLEThe blocked status of the contact. Contacts can be blocked for a specific client (store).Nein
OrderContactCustomerRatingSINGLEThe rating of the contact. This rating is for internal use only. 5 red stars are for the worst and 5 yellow stars for the best rating.Nein
OrderContactDebitorAccountSINGLEThe book account (debitor account) of the contact. An additional, separate number that generally corresponds to the customer number or the debtor number in your financial accounting.Nein
OrderContactLanguageSINGLEThe language of the contact.Nein
OrderContactReferrerIDSINGLEThe origin of the contact.Nein
OrderContactPlentyIDSINGLEThe client (store ID) that is assigned to the contact.Nein
OrderContactResponsibleIDSINGLEThe owner ID (user ID) of the contact.Nein
OrderContactDateOfBirthSINGLEThe date of birth of the contact.Nein
OrderContactLastLoginSINGLEThe date of the last login of the contact.Nein
OrderContactLastSalesOrderSINGLEThe date of the last order.Nein
OrderContactCreatedAtSINGLEThe date the contact was created.Nein
OrderContactUpdatedAtSINGLEThe date the contact was last updated.Nein
OrderContactTelephoneSINGLEThe private phone number of the contact.Nein
OrderContactFaxSINGLEThe private fax number of the contact.Nein
OrderContactMobileSINGLEThe private mobile phone number of the contact.Nein
OrderContactEbayNameSINGLEThe eBay account name of the contact.Nein
OrderContactPaypalEmailSINGLEThe email address of the PayPal account of the contact.Nein
OrderContactPaypalPayerIdSINGLEThe PayPal payer id of the contact.Nein
OrderContactKlarnaPersonalIdSINGLEThe Klarna personal id of the contact.Nein
OrderContactPostidentSINGLEThe DHL PostIdent of the contact.Nein
OrderContactForumUsernameSINGLEThe user name of the contact in the forum.Nein
OrderContactForumGroupIdSINGLEThe ID of the forum group that is assigned to the contact.Nein
OrderContactSingleAccessSINGLEThe access type of the contact.Nein
OrderContactContactPersonSINGLEThe contact person of the contact.Nein
OrderContactMarketplacePartnerSINGLEThe marketplace partner status of the contact.Nein
OrderContactVAT_IDSINGLEThe vat number of the contact.Nein
OrderContactAccountIdSINGLEThe ID of the account.Nein
OrderContactAccountNumberSINGLEThe number of the account.Nein
OrderContactAccountCompanyNameSINGLEThe company name.Nein
OrderContactAccountTaxIdNumberSINGLEThe ID of the tax numberNein
OrderContactAccountValutaSINGLEThe valuta date in days specified for the account.Nein
OrderContactAccountDiscountDaysSINGLEThe early payment discount period in days specified for the account.Nein
OrderContactAccountDiscountPercentSINGLEThe early payment discount in percent specified for the account.Nein
OrderContactAccountTimeForPaymentAllowedDaysSINGLEThe payment due date in days specified for the account.Nein
OrderContactAccountSalesRepresentativeContactIdSINGLEThe contact ID of the sales representative.Nein
OrderContactAccountUserIdSINGLEThe (user) ID of the account owner.Nein
OrderContactAccountDeliveryTimeSINGLEThe delivery time for the supplier.Nein
OrderContactAccountDealerMinOrderValueSINGLEThe minimum order value for the supplier.Nein
OrderContactAccountSupplierCurrencySINGLEThe currency used by a supplier.Nein
OrderContactAccountCreatedAtSINGLEThe time the account was created.Nein
OrderContactAccountUpdatedAtSINGLEThe time the account was updated.Nein
OrderHeadIsSystemCurrencySINGLEFlag that states if the current currency is the same as system currency or not.Nein
OrderHeadCurrencySINGLEThe currency of the amounts.Nein
OrderHeadExchangeRatioSINGLEThe exchange rate for converting the current currency into the system currency.Nein
OrderHeadIsNettoSINGLEFlag that states if the invoice is net or not. If the invoice is not net, it is gross.Nein
OrderHeadTotalNettoSINGLEThe total net amount of the order.Nein
OrderHeadTotalBruttoSINGLEThe total gross amount of the order.Nein
OrderHeadTotalVATSINGLEThe total vat amount of the order.Nein
OrderHeadTotalInvoiceSINGLEThe total invoice amount.Nein
OrderHeadPaidAmountSINGLEThe order amount that is already paid.Nein
OrderHeadTaxlessAmountSINGLEThe taxless amount of the order. Portion of the total invoice amount without taxes.Nein
OrderHeadPrepaidAmountSINGLEThis is deprecated and will be removed in the next version. Please use GiftCardAmount instead.Nein
OrderHeadGiftCardAmountSINGLEThe amount that comes from gift cards that were redeemed when placing the order. The gift cards amount does not reduce the invoice total, but reduces the amount that still needs to be paid. The amount that still needs to paid is not an own parameter because the amount can be calculated by subtracting the gift cards amount from the invoice total.Nein
OrderHeadWarehouseIDSINGLEThe ID of the warehouse (order property ID = 1).Nein
OrderHeadShippingProfileIDSINGLEThe ID of the orders shipping profile (order property ID = 2).Nein
OrderHeadMethodOfPaymentIDSINGLEThe ID of the orders payment method (order property ID = 3)Nein
OrderHeadPaymentStatusSINGLEThe payment status of the order (order property ID = 4)Nein
OrderHeadPaymentIDsMULTIPLEVALUESemmicolon separated payment IDs associated with the order.Nein
OrderHeadPaymentPropertiesMAPMap of payment properties associated with the order.Nein
OrderExternalShippingProfileSINGLEThe external shipping profile of the order (order property ID = 5)Nein
OrderDocumentLanguageSINGLEThe external shipping profile of the order (order property ID = 6)Nein
OrderHeadExternalOrderIDSINGLEThe external order ID of the order (order property ID = 7)Nein
OrderHeadCustomerReferenceSINGLEThe customer sign of the order (order property ID = 8)Nein
OrderHeadDunningLevelSINGLEThe dunning level of the order (order property ID = 9)Nein
OrderHeadSellerAccountSINGLEThe seller account of the order (order property ID = 10)Nein
OrderHeadReferrerIDSINGLEThe referrer ID of the order.Nein
OrderHeadExternalDeliveryIDSINGLEThe external delivery id of the order (order property ID = 49)Nein
OrderHeadShippingCostsSINGLEThe order gross shipping costs amount.Nein
OrderHeadShippingCostsNetSINGLEThe order net shipping costs amount.Nein
OrderHeadMarking1IDSINGLEThe order flag / marking id (order property ID = 15)Nein
OrderHeadCouponCodeSINGLEThe order coupon code (order property ID = 18)Nein
OrderHeadCouponTypeSINGLEThe order coupon type (order property ID = 19)Nein
OrderHeadSalesTaxIDSINGLEThe order sales tax ID number (order property ID = 34)Nein
OrderHeadInvoiceNumberSINGLEThe order main document number (order property ID = 33)Nein
OrderHeadPackageNumberMULTIPLEVALUEAll package numbers associated with the order.Nein
OrderWeightSINGLEThe order weight (order property ID = 11)Nein
OrderWidthSINGLEThe order width (order property ID = 12)Nein
OrderLengthSINGLEThe order length (order property ID = 13)Nein
OrderHeightSINGLEThe order height (order property ID = 14)Nein
OriginOrderIDSINGLEThe ID of the origin order.Nein
ParentOrderIDSINGLEThe ID of the parent order.Nein
OrderReferenceOrderIdMapMAPMap of orderReferences (referenceType=referenceOrderId). The orderReferences relation shows if an order is referencing another order. The referenceType specifies the relation to this order. The parent order is the order that the actual order was derived from (relevant for sub-orders, such as return, credit note, ...).Nein
OrderReferenceOriginOrderIdMapMAPMap of orderReferences (referenceType=originOrderId). The orderReferences relation shows if an order is referencing another order. The referenceType specifies the relation to this order. The originOrderId returns the ID of the original order (relevant for sub-orders, such as return, credit note, ...).Nein
OrderIDSINGLEThe ID of the orderNein
OrderPropertiesMAPAll order properties as map (typeId=value). List of typeIds:
OrderLocationIDSINGLEThe ID of the accounting location.Nein
OrderLocationCountryIDSINGLEThe ID of the country of the accounting location.Nein
OrderLocationNameSINGLEThe name of the accounting location.Nein
OrderLocationClientIDSINGLEThe ID of the client that the accounting location belongs to.Nein
OrderLocationPlentyIDSINGLEThe plenty ID of the client that the accounting location belongs to.Nein
OrderContactCommentsSINGLEAll comments / notes of referenced contact.Nein
OrderCommentsSINGLEAll comments / note of the order.Nein
OrderDocumentNumbersMAPMap of document type=document number associated with the order.Nein
OrderDocumentNumbersWithPrefixMAPMap of document type=document number with prefix associated with the order.Nein
OrderDocumentPathsMAPMap of document type=document path associated with the order.Nein
OrderDocumentIDsMAPMap of document type=document id associated with the order.Nein
TagIDsMULTIPLEVALUEThe order tag IDsNein
TagNamesMULTIPLEVALUEThe order tag namesNein
OriginOrderReferenceOrderIdMapMAPMap of originOrderReferences (referenceType=orderId). The originOrderReferences relation shows the reference to the origin order of this order. The referenceType specifies the relation to this order.Nein
ReverseOrderReferencesOrderIdMapMAPMap of reverserOrderReferences (referenceType=orderId). The reverseOrderReferences relation points to all orders that reference this order. The referenceType specifies the relation to this order.Nein
OrderItemsRowIDSINGLEThe ID of the order item.Ja
parent_identifierSINGLEThe parent_identifier column to import Spreadsheet into a Datastore.Nein
OrderItemsOrderIDSINGLEThe ID of the orderJa
OrderItemsVariantIDSINGLEVariation ID of the order item.Nein
OrderItemsItemTextSINGLEThe name of the order item.Nein
OrderItemsReferrerIDSINGLEThe ID of order item referrer.Nein
OrderItemsWarehouseIDSINGLEThe ID of the warehouse.Nein
OrderItemsTypeIDSINGLEThe ID of the order item typeNein
OrderItemsTypeSINGLEThe name of order item type.Nein
OrderItemsQuantitySINGLEThe quantity.Nein
OrderItemsVATSINGLEThe vat amount, e.g. 19.0 for 19% VAT.Nein
OrderItemsVATCountryIDSINGLEThe ID of the VAT configuration.Nein
OrderItemsVATFieldSINGLEThe ID of the VAT rate's field.Nein
OrderItemsBundleRowIDSINGLEThe ID of the referenced bundle order item.Nein
OrderItemsParentOrderItemsIDSINGLEThe ID of the parent order item.Nein
OrderItemsEstimatedShippingDateSINGLEThe estimated shipping date in W3C date format(yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX) of the order item.Nein
OrderItemsWeightSINGLEThe order items weight (order item property ID = 11)Nein
OrderItemsWidthSINGLEThe order items width (order item property ID = 12)Nein
OrderItemsLengthSINGLEThe order items length (order item property ID = 13)Nein
OrderItemsAmountPriceBruttoSINGLEThe total gross price including surcharges and discounts.Nein
OrderItemsAmountPriceNettoSINGLEThe total net price including surcharges and discounts.Nein
OrderItemsAmountCurrencySINGLEThe currency of the amounts.Nein
OrderItemsAmountSurchargeSINGLEThe surcharge as gross amount.Nein
OrderItemsAmountDiscountSINGLEThe discount can be a percentage or a fixed value.Nein
OrderItemsAmountPriceOriginalBruttoSINGLEThe original gross price without any surcharges or discounts.Nein
OrderItemsAmountPriceOriginaNettoSINGLEThe original net price without any surcharges or discounts.Nein
OrderItemsAmountIsSystemCurrencySINGLEFlag that indicates if the current currency is the same as the system currency or not.Nein
OrderItemsAmountExchangeRatioSINGLEThe exchange rate for converting the current currency into the system currency.Nein
OrderItemsAmountPurchasePriceSINGLEThe purchase price of the variation.Nein
OrderItemsExternalItemIDSINGLEThe order item external id (order item property ID = 17)Nein
OrderItemsVariantItemIDSINGLEThe item ID of the item that this variation belongs to.Nein
OrderItemsVariantMainVariantIDSINGLEThe variation ID of the item’s main variation.Nein
OrderItemsVariantIsMainSINGLEFlag that indicates if the variation is the main variation of the item.Nein
OrderItemsVariantNumberSINGLEThe unique variation number of the variation. The variation number must be specified.Nein
OrderItemsVariantExternalItemIDSINGLEThe external variation ID of this variation. The external variation number is optional and allows importing items and variations from external systems to PlentyONE.Nein
OrderItemsVariantModelSINGLEThe model of the variation.Nein
OrderItemsVariantNameSINGLEThe name of the variation.Nein
OrderItemsVariantBundleTypeSINGLEIndicates the bundle type of the variation.Nein
OrderItemsVariantAvailabilityIDSINGLEThe availability of the variation. Possible values: 1 to 10Nein
OrderItemsVariantPurchasePriceSINGLEThe net purchase price. Value e.g. is used for price calculations.Nein
OrderItemsVariantWidthMMSINGLEThe width of the variation in millimetres (mm)Nein
OrderItemsVariantLengthMMSINGLEThe length of the variation in millimeters (mm)Nein
OrderItemsVariantHeightMMSINGLEThe height of the variation in millimetres (mm)Nein
OrderItemsVariantWeightGSINGLEThe gross weight of the variation in gramms (g). This weight includes the packaging for variations that are packaged separately.Nein
OrderItemsVariantWeightNetGSINGLEThe net weight of the variation in gramms (g). This is the weight of the variation without packaging.Nein
OrderItemsVariantCustomsTariffNumberSINGLEThe customs tariff number of the variation.Nein
OrderItemsVariationBarcodesMAPAll variation barcodes as map (BarcodeID=CodeValue;... e.g. 1=1243123;2=3446)Nein
OrderItemsIDSINGLEThe ID of the order item.Ja
OrderItemsReasonForReturnSINGLEThe specified reason for return.Nein
OrderItemsReturnStatusSINGLEThe status of return.Nein
OrderItemsPropertiesMAPAll order item properties as map (typeId=value). List of typeIds: Nein
OrderItemsOrderPropertiesMAPAll order item order properties as map (propertyId=value)Nein
OrderItemsStorageLocationQuantityMAPAll StorageLocations and quantity as map (storage location ID=quantity)Nein
OrderItemsStorageLocationBatchMAPAll StorageLocations and batch as map (storage location ID=batch)Nein
OrderItemsStorageLocationBestBeforeDateMAPAll StorageLocations and BestBeforeDate as map (storage location ID=BestBeforeDate)Nein