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Step: PlentyGetCustomers - REST API

Mit diesem Step können Kundendaten aus Plentymarkets abgerufen werden.

Benötigte Plentymarkets REST API  Berechtigungen:

  • Firma - Kontakt - Kontaktadresse - Kontaktadresse anzeigen

  • Firma - Kontakt - Kontakt anzeigen

  • Firma - Firma anzeigen

  • Kommentare - Kommentar anzeigen


Das sind die Optionen, mit denen man den Step konfigurieren kann.

Name Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Werte
account ACCOUNT Ihre PlentyONE Verbindung Ja
limitItems STRING Schränkt die Anzahl der Kontakte ein. Nein
lastUpdateFrom DATETIME Dieser Filter beschränkt den Abruf auf Kontakte, die nach dem angegebenen Datum aktualisiert wurden z.B: 18.12.2012 16:00. Nein
lastUpdateTo DATETIME Dieser Filter beschränkt den Abruf auf Kontakte, die vor dem angegebenen Datum aktualisiert wurden z.B. 20.12.2012 16:00. Nein
createdAtFrom DATETIME Dieser Filter beschränkt den Abruf auf Kontakte, die nach dem angegebenen Datum erstellt wurden z.B: 18.12.2012 16:00. Nein
createdAtTo DATETIME Dieser Filter beschränkt den Abruf auf Kontakte, die vor dem angegebenen Datum erstellt wurden z.B. 20.12.2012 16:00. Nein
lastOrderFrom DATETIME Dieser Filter beschränkt den Abruf auf Kontakte, deren letzte Bestellung nach dem angegebenen Datum erstellt wurde z.B: 18.12.2012 16:00. Nein
lastOrderTo DATETIME Dieser Filter beschränkt den Abruf auf Kontakte, deren letzte Bestellung nach dem angegebenen Datum erstellt wurde z.B: 18.12.2012 16:00. Nein
customerID STRING ID des Kontakts Nein
plentyID STRING Filtert die PlentyONE Mandaten ID des Kontakts Nein
email STRING E-Mail-Adresse des Kontakts. Nein
zip STRING Filtert die PLZ des Kontakts Nein
customerType STRING Kontakt Typ Nein
  • Alle
  • Kunde
  • Interessent
  • Handelsvertreter
  • Lieferant
  • Hersteller
  • Partner
  • Benutzerdefinierte Typ ID
customTypeId STRING Benutzerdefinierte Typ ID Nein
enableCustomerNotes BOOLEAN Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, werden die Notizen zum Kontakts abgerufen Nein
  • Ja
  • Nein
enableBankData BOOLEAN Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, wird die erste Bankverbindung des Kontakts abgerufen. Nein
  • Ja
  • Nein


Das sind die Ergebnisse des Steps, die von nachfolgenden Steps, nach der Ausführung verwendet werden können.

Name Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Werte
customers SPREADSHEET Ein SPREADSHEET mit den abgerufenen Kontaktdaten Ja
Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:

Feld Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Standardwert
identifierSINGLEThe identifier column to import Spreadsheet into a Datastore.Nein
CustomerIDSINGLEThe ID of the contact.Nein
ExternalCustomerIDSINGLEThe external ID of the contact.Nein
CustomerNumberSINGLEThe number of the contact.Nein
TypeSINGLEThe ID of the contact type (see PlentyONE CRM - types settings).Nein
FirstNameSINGLEThe first name of the contact.Nein
SurnameSINGLEThe last name of the contact.Nein
FullNameSINGLEThe full name of the contact. A concatenation of first and last name.Nein
EmailSINGLEThe private email address of the contact.Nein
SecondaryEmailSINGLEThe secondary private email address of the contact.Nein
GenderSINGLEThe gender of the contact or interested partyNein
FormOfAddressSINGLEThe form of address for the contact.Nein
NewsletterSINGLEThe time the contact registered for the newsletter.Nein
CustomerClassSINGLEThe ID of the contact class.Nein
IsBlockedSINGLEThe blocked status of the contact. Contacts can be blocked for a specific client (store).Nein
CustomerRatingSINGLEThe rating of the contact. This rating is for internal use only. 5 red stars are for the worst and 5 yellow stars for the best rating.Nein
DebitorAccountSINGLEThe book account (debitor account) of the contact. An additional, separate number that generally corresponds to the customer number or the debtor number in your financial accounting.Nein
LanguageSINGLEThe language of the contact.Nein
ReferrerIDSINGLEThe origin of the contact.Nein
PlentyIDSINGLEThe client (store ID) that is assigned to the contact.Nein
ResponsibleIDSINGLEThe owner ID (user ID) of the contact.Nein
DateOfBirthSINGLEThe date of birth of the contact.Nein
LastLoginSINGLEThe date of the last login of the contact.Nein
LastSalesOrderSINGLEThe date of the last order.Nein
CreatedAtSINGLEThe date the contact was created.Nein
UpdatedAtSINGLEThe date the contact was last updated.Nein
TelephoneSINGLEThe private phone number of the contact.Nein
FaxSINGLEThe private fax number of the contact.Nein
MobileSINGLEThe private mobile phone number of the contact.Nein
EbayNameSINGLEThe eBay account name of the contact.Nein
PaypalEmailSINGLEThe email address of the PayPal account of the contact.Nein
PaypalPayerIdSINGLEThe PayPal payer id of the contact.Nein
KlarnaPersonalIdSINGLEThe Klarna personal id of the contact.Nein
PostidentSINGLEThe DHL PostIdent of the contact.Nein
ForumUsernameSINGLEThe user name of the contact in the forum.Nein
ForumGroupIdSINGLEThe ID of the forum group that is assigned to the contact.Nein
SingleAccessSINGLEThe access type of the contact.Nein
ContactPersonSINGLEThe contact person of the contact.Nein
MarketplacePartnerSINGLEThe marketplace partner status of the contact.Nein
SalesRepresentativeContactIDSINGLEThe salesRepresentative ID of the contactNein
InvoiceAllowedSINGLETrue, if invoice payment is allowed.Nein
DebitAllowedSINGLETrue, if debit payment is allowed.Nein
AllowedMethodsOfPaymentMULTIPLEVALUESemicolon separated list of all allowed payment method IDsNein
VAT_IDSINGLEThe vat number of the contact.Nein
BillingAddress_IDSINGLEID of Address for update. Leave empty to create a new address (CustomerID required).Nein
BillingAddress_TypeIDSINGLETypeID can only be used for new addresses ('ID' column is empty)Nein
BillingAddress_GenderSINGLEThe genderNein
BillingAddress_CompanySINGLEThe name 1 field (defaults to: company name).Nein
BillingAddress_FirstNameSINGLEThe name 2 field (defaults to: first name).Nein
BillingAddress_SurnameSINGLEThe name 3 field (defaults to: last name).Nein
BillingAddress_AdditionalNameSINGLEThe name 4 field (defaults to: c/o).Nein
BillingAddress_StreetSINGLEThe address 1 field (defaults to: street, 'PACKSTATION' or 'POSTFILIALE')Nein
BillingAddress_HouseNumberSINGLEThe address 2 field (defaults to: houseNumber, packstationNo)Nein
BillingAddress_AdditionalAddress3SINGLEThe address 3 field (defaults to: additional)Nein
BillingAddress_AdditionalAddress4SINGLEThe address 4 field is currently undefined and can be freely used.Nein
BillingAddress_ZIPSINGLEThe postcode.Nein
BillingAddress_CitySINGLEThe town.Ja
BillingAddress_CountryIDSINGLEThe ID of the country.Ja
BillingAddress_StateIDSINGLEThe ID of the state.Nein
BillingAddress_ReadOnlySINGLEFlag that indicates if the data record is read only.Nein
BillingAddress_ContactPersonSINGLEThe contact person option (alias for option with typeId 12).Nein
BillingAddress_VATNumberSINGLEThe tax id number (VAT number) option (alias for option with typeId 1).Nein
BillingAddress_ExternalAddressIDSINGLEThe external ID option (alias for option with typeId 2).Nein
BillingAddress_EntryCertificateSINGLEThe entry certificate (bool) option (alias for option with typeId 3).Nein
BillingAddress_TelephoneSINGLEThe phone number option (alias for option with typeId 4).Nein
BillingAddress_EmailSINGLEThe email option (alias for option with typeId 5).Nein
BillingAddress_PostnumberSINGLEThe post number option (alias for option with typeId 6).Nein
BillingAddress_PersonalIDSINGLEThe personal ID option (alias for option with typeId 7).Nein
BillingAddress_BBFCSINGLEThe BBFC/FSK option (alias for option with typeId 8).Nein
BillingAddress_BirthdaySINGLEThe birthday option (alias for option with typeId 9).Nein
BillingAddress_SessionIDSINGLEThe frontend session ID (alias for option with typeId 10).Nein
BillingAddress_TitleSINGLEThe title/salutation (alias for option with typeId 11).Nein
BillingAddress_CheckedAtSINGLEThe time the address was checked.Nein
BillingAddress_CreatedAtSINGLEThe time the address was created.Nein
BillingAddress_UpdatedAtSINGLEThe time the address was updated.Nein
DeliveryAddress_IDSINGLEID of Address for update. Leave empty to create a new address (CustomerID required).Nein
DeliveryAddress_TypeIDSINGLETypeID can only be used for new addresses ('ID' column is empty)Nein
DeliveryAddress_GenderSINGLEThe genderNein
DeliveryAddress_CompanySINGLEThe name 1 field (defaults to: company name).Nein
DeliveryAddress_FirstNameSINGLEThe name 2 field (defaults to: first name).Nein
DeliveryAddress_SurnameSINGLEThe name 3 field (defaults to: last name).Nein
DeliveryAddress_AdditionalNameSINGLEThe name 4 field (defaults to: c/o).Nein
DeliveryAddress_StreetSINGLEThe address 1 field (defaults to: street, 'PACKSTATION' or 'POSTFILIALE')Nein
DeliveryAddress_HouseNumberSINGLEThe address 2 field (defaults to: houseNumber, packstationNo)Nein
DeliveryAddress_AdditionalAddress3SINGLEThe address 3 field (defaults to: additional)Nein
DeliveryAddress_AdditionalAddress4SINGLEThe address 4 field is currently undefined and can be freely used.Nein
DeliveryAddress_ZIPSINGLEThe postcode.Nein
DeliveryAddress_CitySINGLEThe town.Ja
DeliveryAddress_CountryIDSINGLEThe ID of the country.Ja
DeliveryAddress_StateIDSINGLEThe ID of the state.Nein
DeliveryAddress_ReadOnlySINGLEFlag that indicates if the data record is read only.Nein
DeliveryAddress_ContactPersonSINGLEThe contact person option (alias for option with typeId 12).Nein
DeliveryAddress_VATNumberSINGLEThe tax id number (VAT number) option (alias for option with typeId 1).Nein
DeliveryAddress_ExternalAddressIDSINGLEThe external ID option (alias for option with typeId 2).Nein
DeliveryAddress_EntryCertificateSINGLEThe entry certificate (bool) option (alias for option with typeId 3).Nein
DeliveryAddress_TelephoneSINGLEThe phone number option (alias for option with typeId 4).Nein
DeliveryAddress_EmailSINGLEThe email option (alias for option with typeId 5).Nein
DeliveryAddress_PostnumberSINGLEThe post number option (alias for option with typeId 6).Nein
DeliveryAddress_PersonalIDSINGLEThe personal ID option (alias for option with typeId 7).Nein
DeliveryAddress_BBFCSINGLEThe BBFC/FSK option (alias for option with typeId 8).Nein
DeliveryAddress_BirthdaySINGLEThe birthday option (alias for option with typeId 9).Nein
DeliveryAddress_SessionIDSINGLEThe frontend session ID (alias for option with typeId 10).Nein
DeliveryAddress_TitleSINGLEThe title/salutation (alias for option with typeId 11).Nein
DeliveryAddress_CheckedAtSINGLEThe time the address was checked.Nein
DeliveryAddress_CreatedAtSINGLEThe time the address was created.Nein
DeliveryAddress_UpdatedAtSINGLEThe time the address was updated.Nein
Account_IdSINGLEThe ID of the account.Nein
Account_NumberSINGLEThe number of the account.Nein
Account_CompanyNameSINGLEThe company name.Nein
Account_TaxIdNumberSINGLEThe ID of the tax numberNein
Account_ValutaSINGLEThe valuta date in days specified for the account.Nein
Account_DiscountDaysSINGLEThe early payment discount period in days specified for the account.Nein
Account_DiscountPercentSINGLEThe early payment discount in percent specified for the account.Nein
Account_TimeForPaymentAllowedDaysSINGLEThe payment due date in days specified for the account.Nein
Account_SalesRepresentativeContactIdSINGLEThe contact ID of the sales representative.Nein
Account_UserIdSINGLEThe (user) ID of the account owner.Nein
Account_DeliveryTimeSINGLEThe delivery time for the supplier.Nein
Account_DealerMinOrderValueSINGLEThe minimum order value for the supplier.Nein
Account_SupplierCurrencySINGLEThe currency used by a supplier.Nein
Account_CreatedAtSINGLEThe time the account was created.Nein
Account_UpdatedAtSINGLEThe time the account was updated.Nein
BankAccount_ContactIDSINGLEThe ID of the contact the bank account belongs to.Ja
BankAccount_OrderIDSINGLEThe ID of the order the bank account belongs to.Nein
BankAccount_AccountOwnerSINGLEThe owner of the bank account.Ja
BankAccount_BankNameSINGLEThe name of the bank.Nein
BankAccount_BankAddressSINGLEThe address of the bank.Nein
BankAccount_BankPostalCodeTownSINGLEThe postcode and town of the bank.Nein
BankAccount_BankCountrySINGLEThe country of the bank.Nein
BankAccount_AccountNumberSINGLEThe account number of the bank account.Nein
BankAccount_SortCodeSINGLEThe sort code of the bank account.Nein
BankAccount_IBANSINGLEThe IBAN of the bank account.Ja
BankAccount_BICSINGLEThe BIC of the bank account.Nein
BankAccount_DirectDebitMandateAvailableSINGLEFlag that indicates if a direct debit mandate is available.Nein
BankAccount_DirectDebitMandateAtSINGLEThe time the direct debit mandate was created.Nein
BankAccount_DirectDebitMethodSINGLEThe direct debit method.Nein
BankAccount_DirectDebitTypeSINGLEThe direct debit type.Nein
BankAccount_PaymentMethodSINGLEThe payment method.Nein
BankAccount_LastUpdateBySINGLEThe source of the last change.Jaimport