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Step: PlentyAddItems - REST API

Mit diesem Step können Sie in PlentyONE Items (sog. Hauptvariante) anlegen.

  • Artikel > je nach zu setzenden Feldern
  • tag > create
  • tag > delete
  • tag > update
  • tagRelationship > create
  • tagRelationship > delete
  • tagRelationship > update


Das sind die Optionen, mit denen man den Step konfigurieren kann.

Name Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Werte
account ACCOUNT Ihre PlentyONE Verbindung Ja
limit STRING Das Limit begrenzt die Anzahl der anzulegenden Artikel auf den angegebenen Wert. Leer für unbeschränkt. Nein
productSpreadsheet SPREADSHEET Das Eingangs-SPREADSHEET mit Artikeldaten die importiert werden sollen Ja
mappingdefinition STRING Die konfigurierte Zuordnung Nein
Folgende Felder sind zu konfigurieren:

Feld Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Standardwert
ItemIDSINGLEThe ID of the item. The ID must be unique.Nein
ItemTextName1SINGLEThe default name of the item. By default, this name is displayed in the online store. For Default items, this name is also used for markets. Character limit: max. 240 characters.Nein
ItemTextName2SINGLEAlternative item name that can be used e.g. for markets. Character limit: max. 240 charactersNein
ItemTextName3SINGLEAlternative item name that can be used e.g. for markets. Character limit: max. 240 charactersNein
ItemTextShortDescriptionSINGLEThe preview text of the item. This short description text can be displayed as a teaser in item lists.Nein
ItemTextMetaDescriptionSINGLEThe meta description of the item. This description is analysed by search engines and displayed in search results. This text should be treated as an advertising text to maximise click-through from search engine result pages.Nein
ItemTextDescriptionSINGLEThe detailed description of the item.Nein
ItemTextTechnicalDataSINGLETechnical data of the item.Nein
ItemTextKeywordsSINGLEHTML meta keywords to tag the item for search engines. More than one keyword can be separated by commas.Nein
ItemTextUrlPathSINGLEThe item's URL path in the online store. By default, the URL path consists of the categories and the item name. The path is assigned automatically when the item is created and is displayed as part of the URL when the item is selected in the online store.Nein
ItemTextLangSINGLEThe language of the item text.Nein
MainVariantNumberSINGLEThe unique variation number of the variation.Nein
MainVariantExternalItemIDSINGLEThe external variation ID of this variation. The external variation number is optional and allows importing items and variations from external systems to PlentyONE.Nein
MainVariantModelSINGLEThe model of the variation. Value is inherited from the item's main variation if inheritance is active.Nein
MainVariantMainWarehouseIDSINGLEThe ID of the main warehouse of the variation.Nein
MainVariantNameSINGLEThe name of the variationNein
MainVariantAvailabilityIDSINGLEThe availability of the variation.Nein
MainVariantIsActiveSINGLEFlag that indicates if the variation is active. Only active variations can be offered in the online store and/or on markets.Nein
MainVariantPurchasePriceSINGLEThe net purchase price. Value e.g. is used for price calculations.Nein
MainVariantVATInternalIDSINGLEThe ID of the VAT rate of the variation. VAT rates are created for each client (store) and linked to the variation.Nein
MainVariantExtraShippingCharge1SINGLEThe extra shipping charge 1 for the variation. Extra shipping charges are useful for large or bulky items that are particularly expensive to ship. Charge 1 is added to the regular shipping costs for the first item of an order. If different variations are ordered, the extra shipping charge 1 of the variation with the highest charge 1 is selected.Nein
MainVariantExtraShippingCharge2SINGLEThe extra shipping charge 2 for the variation. Extra shipping charges are useful for large or bulky items that are expensive to ship. Charge 2 is added to the shipping costs for any additional items of an order.Nein
MainVariantUnitsContainedSINGLEThe number of sales units contained in one package.Nein
MainVariantPalletTypeIdSINGLEThe ID of the pallet typeNein
MainVariantPackingUnitsSINGLEThe number of packing units if the item consists of multiple packages. Value is 0 if an item is sent as one package. All items of an order that have the value 0 will be packed into one package.Nein
MainVariantPackingUnitTypeIdSINGLEThe ID of the packing unit typeNein
MainVariantTransportationCostsSINGLEThe net transportation costs for the variation. This value is used for price calculations and for calculating the acquisition price.Nein
MainVariantStorageCostsSINGLEThe net storage costs for the variationNein
MainVariantCustomsSINGLEThe customs rate in percentNein
MainVariantCustomsTariffNumberSINGLEThe customs tariff number of the variation; usually a 11 digit code number based on the Harmonised SystemNein
MainVariantOperatingCostsSINGLEThe operating costs for the variation in percentNein
MainVariantAutomaticClientVisibilitySINGLEIndicates if the variation is set as available for any clients (stores).Nein
MainVariantIsHiddenInCategoryListSINGLEFlag that indicates if the variation is hidden in the category list. If true, the variation will not be shown in any item category and will not be returned as a search result. The variation can only be accessed via its URL.Nein
MainVariantIsVisibleInListIfNetStockIsPositiveSINGLEFlag that indicates if the variation is visible in the item list of the online store if net stock is positive. If true, the variation automatically becomes visible in categories, search results and item lists (store specials, cross-selling, last seen items) when the net stock changes to positive.Nein
MainVariantIsInvisibleInListIfNetStockIsNotPositiveSINGLEFlag that indicates if the variation is invisible in the item list of the online store if net stock is not positive. If true and no net stock is available for the variation, the variation can only be opened using the direct URL. The variation is not shown in the categories, search results or item lists (store specials, cross-selling, last seen items).Nein
MainVariantAvailableUntilSINGLEThe last date the item will be available for sale.Nein
MainVariantWidthMMSINGLEThe width of the variation in millimetres (mm)Nein
MainVariantLengthMMSINGLEThe length of the variation in millimeters (mm)Nein
MainVariantHeightMMSINGLEThe height of the variation in millimetres (mm)Nein
MainVariantWeightGSINGLEThe gross weight of the variation in gramms (g). This weight includes the packaging for variations that are packaged separately. This value is used for calculating shipping packages and weight-based shipping costs.Nein
MainVariantWeightNetGSINGLEThe net weight of the variation in gramms (g). This is the weight of the variation without packaging.Nein
MainVariantMayShowUnitPriceSINGLEDisplay unit price in the online storeNein
MainVariantMaximumOrderQuantitySINGLEThe maximum order quantity permitted per order. Decimal values are possible to allow orders by weight or length. Default value is 0. If value is 0, the maximum order quantity is unlimited. Nein
MainVariantMinimumOrderQuantitySINGLEThe minimum order quantity. Decimal values are possible to allow orders by weight or length.Nein
MainVariantIntervalOrderQuantitySINGLEThe quantity intervals the variation can be ordered in. Decimal values are possible to allow orders by weight or length.Nein
MainVariantPickingSINGLEThe order picking type of the variation.Nein
MainVariantPositionSINGLEThe position of the variation. Value is inherited from the item's main variation if inheritance is active.Nein
MainVariantEstimatedAvailableAtSINGLEThe estimated delivery date of variations on reorder.Nein
MainVariantPriceCalculationIdSINGLEThe ID of the price calculation linked to the variation.Nein
MainVariantStockLimitationSINGLEThe stock limitation for the variation.Nein
MainVariantIsVisibleIfNetStockIsPositiveSINGLEFlag that indicates if the variation is visible in the online store if net stock is positive. If true, the variation automatically becomes visible when the net stock changes to positive.Nein
MainVariantIsInvisibleIfNetStockIsNotPositiveSINGLEFlag that indicates if the variation is invisible in the online store if net stock is not positive. If true, the variation automatically becomes invisible when the net stock changes to 0 or negative.Nein
MainVariantIsAvailableIfNetStockIsPositiveSINGLEFlag that indicates if the variation is available in the online store if net stock is positive. If true, the variation automatically becomes available when the net stock changes to positive.Nein
MainVariantIsUnavailableIfNetStockIsNotPositiveSINGLEFlag that indicates if the variation is unavailable in the online store if net stock is not positive. If true, the variation automatically becomes available when the net stock changes to 0 or negative.Nein
MainVariantReleasedAtSINGLEThe release date of the variation. This is the date on which the variation will become available. The variation can be visible in the online store before this date, e.g. for preorders.Nein
MainVariantUnitIDSINGLEThe id of the unitJa1
MainVariantUnitContentSINGLEThe content of the unitJa1
MainVariantCategoryIDSINGLECategory is required to create new Variations. Please enter at least a Category ID or Path to create new Variations.Nein
MainVariantCategoryPathMULTIPLEVALUECategory is required to create new Variations. Please enter at least a Category ID or Path to create new Variations.Nein
MainVariantBarcodesMAPEnter barcodes as map (BarcodeID=CodeValue;... e.g. 1=1243123;2=3446)Nein
MainVariantSalesPricesMAPEnter prices as map (PriceID=PriceValue;... e.g. 1=131.23;2=34.46)Nein
MainVariantAttributeValuesMULTIPLEVALUEEnter attribute value ids as semicolon separated list (e.g. 23;46)Nein
MainVariantAttributeValuesStringMAPEnter attribute values as map of attribute backendname and attribute value backendname(e.g. Size=XL;Color=red)Nein
MainVariantClientIDsMULTIPLEVALUEPlenty ids of mandantsNein
ProducerIDSINGLEThe ID of the manufacturer of the item.Nein
ProducerNameSINGLEThe manufacturer name of the item.Nein
Marking1IDSINGLEFlag 1 of the item.Nein
Marking2IDSINGLEFlag 2 of the item.Nein
StockTypeSINGLEThe stock type of the item.Nein
StoreSpecialSINGLEOption to present items more prominently in the online store.Nein
ConditionSINGLEThe condition of the item.Nein
FreeText1SINGLEThe content of the free text field 1.Nein
FreeText2SINGLEThe content of the free text field 2.Nein
FreeText3SINGLEThe content of the free text field 3.Nein
FreeText4SINGLEThe content of the free text field 4.Nein
FreeText5SINGLEThe content of the free text field 5.Nein
FreeText6SINGLEThe content of the free text field 6.Nein
FreeText7SINGLEThe content of the free text field 7.Nein
FreeText8SINGLEThe content of the free text field 8.Nein
FreeText9SINGLEThe content of the free text field 9.Nein
FreeText10SINGLEThe content of the free text field 10.Nein
FreeText11SINGLEThe content of the free text field 11.Nein
FreeText12SINGLEThe content of the free text field 12.Nein
FreeText13SINGLEThe content of the free text field 13.Nein
FreeText14SINGLEThe content of the free text field 14.Nein
FreeText15SINGLEThe content of the free text field 15.Nein
FreeText16SINGLEThe content of the free text field 16.Nein
FreeText17SINGLEThe content of the free text field 17.Nein
FreeText18SINGLEThe content of the free text field 18.Nein
FreeText19SINGLEThe content of the free text field 19.Nein
FreeText20SINGLEThe content of the free text field 20.Nein
IsShippableByAmazonSINGLEFlag that indicates if a shipping package is to be used for this item.Nein
PositionSINGLEThe position of the itemNein
OwnerIdSINGLEThe PlentyONE user that is assigned as owner of this item.Nein
ProducingCountryIDSINGLEThe ID of the country in which the item was manufactured.Nein
RevenueAccountSINGLEThe revenue account the item is linked to. An individual revenue account can be saved for each item in plentymarkets. If this is not done, PlentyONE automatically determines a revenue account based on the VAT rate.Nein
CouponRestrictionSINGLEIndicates if the item can be purchased using a promotional coupon.Nein
ConditionApiSINGLEThe condition of the item that is transferred to markets via API.Nein
IsSubscribableSINGLEFlag that indicates if the item can be ordered as a subscription item. If yes, the item can be ordered for delivery at regular intervals.Nein
AmazonFbaPlatformSINGLEIndicates the platform used for Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA).Nein
AmazonProductTypeSINGLEThe Amazon product type of the item.Nein
AmazonFedasSINGLEThe FEDAS product classification key of the item.Nein
EbayPresetIdSINGLEThe eBay preset ID.Nein
EbayCategorySINGLEThe eBay category 1 of the item. This category is used when a new listing is created.Nein
EbayCategory2SINGLEThe eBay category 2 of the item. This category is used when a new listing is created.Nein
EbayStoreCategorySINGLEThe ID of the eBay store category 1 of the item. This value is used for new listings.Nein
EbayStoreCategory2SINGLEThe ID of the eBay store category 2 of the item. This value is used for new listings.Nein
RakutenCategoryIdSINGLEThe ID of the Rakuten category of this item.Nein
AgeRestrictionSINGLEThe age customers must be to purchase the item. Items with an age rating of 18+ must be linked to a shipping profile for which the PostIdent option is activated.Nein
FeedbackSINGLEThe feedback, i.e. rating, that this item received. Possible values are 1 to 5 or 1 to 10 depending on the maximum rating setting. An initial feedback can be saved for items. The saved value will then be displayed as the initial feedback.Nein
ItemShippingProfilesMULTIPLEVALUEAll active shipping profiles as semicolon (;) separated listNein
autoCreateManufacturers STRING Diese Option ermöglicht das automatische Anlegen von Herstellern wenn diese noch nicht vorhanden sind (Zielspalte 'ProducerName' ). Nein
  • Ja
  • Nein
attributeMode STRING Wählen Sie einen Modus für die automatische Erstellung von Attributen und Attributwerten aus (Zielspalte 'MainVariantAttributeValuesString'). Nein
  • Inaktiv
  • Nur neue Attributwerte anlegen
  • Neue Attribute und Attributwerte automatisch anlegen
defaultLanguage STRING Wählen Sie die Sprache für Texte, Kategorien, etc. Nein
  • Deutsch
  • Englisch
  • Französisch
  • Italienisch
  • Spanisch
  • Türkisch
  • Niederländisch
  • Polnisch
  • Norwegisch
  • Dänisch
  • Schwedisch
  • Tschechisch
  • Russisch
  • Slowakisch
  • Chinesisch
  • Vietnamesisch
  • Portugiesisch
  • Bulgarisch
  • Rumänisch
  • Kroatisch
  • Estnisch
  • Ungarisch
  • Litauisch
  • Lettisch
  • Finnisch
  • Irisch


Das sind die Ergebnisse des Steps, die von nachfolgenden Steps, nach der Ausführung verwendet werden können.

Name Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Werte
results SPREADSHEET Ein SPREADSHEET mit den Daten der importierten Artikel bzw. Hauptvarianten Ja
Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:

Feld Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Standardwert
identifierSINGLEThe identifier column to import Spreadsheet into a Datastore.Nein
ItemIDSINGLEThe ID of the item. The ID must be unique.Nein
ItemTextName1SINGLEThe default name of the item. By default, this name is displayed in the online store. For Default items, this name is also used for markets. Character limit: max. 240 characters.Nein
ItemTextName2SINGLEAlternative item name that can be used e.g. for markets. Character limit: max. 240 charactersNein
ItemTextName3SINGLEAlternative item name that can be used e.g. for markets. Character limit: max. 240 charactersNein
ItemTextShortDescriptionSINGLEThe preview text of the item. This short description text can be displayed as a teaser in item lists.Nein
ItemTextMetaDescriptionSINGLEThe meta description of the item. This description is analysed by search engines and displayed in search results. This text should be treated as an advertising text to maximise click-through from search engine result pages.Nein
ItemTextDescriptionSINGLEThe detailed description of the item.Nein
ItemTextTechnicalDataSINGLETechnical data of the item.Nein
ItemTextKeywordsSINGLEHTML meta keywords to tag the item for search engines. More than one keyword can be separated by commas.Nein
ItemTextUrlPathSINGLEThe item's URL path in the online store. By default, the URL path consists of the categories and the item name. The path is assigned automatically when the item is created and is displayed as part of the URL when the item is selected in the online store.Nein
ItemTextLangSINGLEThe language of the item text.Nein
MainVariantNumberSINGLEThe unique variation number of the variation.Nein
MainVariantExternalItemIDSINGLEThe external variation ID of this variation. The external variation number is optional and allows importing items and variations from external systems to PlentyONE.Nein
MainVariantModelSINGLEThe model of the variation. Value is inherited from the item's main variation if inheritance is active.Nein
MainVariantMainWarehouseIDSINGLEThe ID of the main warehouse of the variation.Nein
MainVariantNameSINGLEThe name of the variationNein
MainVariantAvailabilityIDSINGLEThe availability of the variation.Nein
MainVariantIsActiveSINGLEFlag that indicates if the variation is active. Only active variations can be offered in the online store and/or on markets.Nein
MainVariantPurchasePriceSINGLEThe net purchase price. Value e.g. is used for price calculations.Nein
MainVariantVATInternalIDSINGLEThe ID of the VAT rate of the variation. VAT rates are created for each client (store) and linked to the variation.Nein
MainVariantExtraShippingCharge1SINGLEThe extra shipping charge 1 for the variation. Extra shipping charges are useful for large or bulky items that are particularly expensive to ship. Charge 1 is added to the regular shipping costs for the first item of an order. If different variations are ordered, the extra shipping charge 1 of the variation with the highest charge 1 is selected.Nein
MainVariantExtraShippingCharge2SINGLEThe extra shipping charge 2 for the variation. Extra shipping charges are useful for large or bulky items that are expensive to ship. Charge 2 is added to the shipping costs for any additional items of an order.Nein
MainVariantUnitsContainedSINGLEThe number of sales units contained in one package.Nein
MainVariantPalletTypeIdSINGLEThe ID of the pallet typeNein
MainVariantPackingUnitsSINGLEThe number of packing units if the item consists of multiple packages. Value is 0 if an item is sent as one package. All items of an order that have the value 0 will be packed into one package.Nein
MainVariantPackingUnitTypeIdSINGLEThe ID of the packing unit typeNein
MainVariantTransportationCostsSINGLEThe net transportation costs for the variation. This value is used for price calculations and for calculating the acquisition price.Nein
MainVariantStorageCostsSINGLEThe net storage costs for the variationNein
MainVariantCustomsSINGLEThe customs rate in percentNein
MainVariantCustomsTariffNumberSINGLEThe customs tariff number of the variation; usually a 11 digit code number based on the Harmonised SystemNein
MainVariantOperatingCostsSINGLEThe operating costs for the variation in percentNein
MainVariantAutomaticClientVisibilitySINGLEIndicates if the variation is set as available for any clients (stores).Nein
MainVariantIsHiddenInCategoryListSINGLEFlag that indicates if the variation is hidden in the category list. If true, the variation will not be shown in any item category and will not be returned as a search result. The variation can only be accessed via its URL.Nein
MainVariantIsVisibleInListIfNetStockIsPositiveSINGLEFlag that indicates if the variation is visible in the item list of the online store if net stock is positive. If true, the variation automatically becomes visible in categories, search results and item lists (store specials, cross-selling, last seen items) when the net stock changes to positive.Nein
MainVariantIsInvisibleInListIfNetStockIsNotPositiveSINGLEFlag that indicates if the variation is invisible in the item list of the online store if net stock is not positive. If true and no net stock is available for the variation, the variation can only be opened using the direct URL. The variation is not shown in the categories, search results or item lists (store specials, cross-selling, last seen items).Nein
MainVariantAvailableUntilSINGLEThe last date the item will be available for sale.Nein
MainVariantWidthMMSINGLEThe width of the variation in millimetres (mm)Nein
MainVariantLengthMMSINGLEThe length of the variation in millimeters (mm)Nein
MainVariantHeightMMSINGLEThe height of the variation in millimetres (mm)Nein
MainVariantWeightGSINGLEThe gross weight of the variation in gramms (g). This weight includes the packaging for variations that are packaged separately. This value is used for calculating shipping packages and weight-based shipping costs.Nein
MainVariantWeightNetGSINGLEThe net weight of the variation in gramms (g). This is the weight of the variation without packaging.Nein
MainVariantMayShowUnitPriceSINGLEDisplay unit price in the online storeNein
MainVariantMaximumOrderQuantitySINGLEThe maximum order quantity permitted per order. Decimal values are possible to allow orders by weight or length. Default value is 0. If value is 0, the maximum order quantity is unlimited. Nein
MainVariantMinimumOrderQuantitySINGLEThe minimum order quantity. Decimal values are possible to allow orders by weight or length.Nein
MainVariantIntervalOrderQuantitySINGLEThe quantity intervals the variation can be ordered in. Decimal values are possible to allow orders by weight or length.Nein
MainVariantPickingSINGLEThe order picking type of the variation.Nein
MainVariantPositionSINGLEThe position of the variation. Value is inherited from the item's main variation if inheritance is active.Nein
MainVariantEstimatedAvailableAtSINGLEThe estimated delivery date of variations on reorder.Nein
MainVariantPriceCalculationIdSINGLEThe ID of the price calculation linked to the variation.Nein
MainVariantStockLimitationSINGLEThe stock limitation for the variation.Nein
MainVariantIsVisibleIfNetStockIsPositiveSINGLEFlag that indicates if the variation is visible in the online store if net stock is positive. If true, the variation automatically becomes visible when the net stock changes to positive.Nein
MainVariantIsInvisibleIfNetStockIsNotPositiveSINGLEFlag that indicates if the variation is invisible in the online store if net stock is not positive. If true, the variation automatically becomes invisible when the net stock changes to 0 or negative.Nein
MainVariantIsAvailableIfNetStockIsPositiveSINGLEFlag that indicates if the variation is available in the online store if net stock is positive. If true, the variation automatically becomes available when the net stock changes to positive.Nein
MainVariantIsUnavailableIfNetStockIsNotPositiveSINGLEFlag that indicates if the variation is unavailable in the online store if net stock is not positive. If true, the variation automatically becomes available when the net stock changes to 0 or negative.Nein
MainVariantReleasedAtSINGLEThe release date of the variation. This is the date on which the variation will become available. The variation can be visible in the online store before this date, e.g. for preorders.Nein
MainVariantUnitIDSINGLEThe id of the unitJa1
MainVariantUnitContentSINGLEThe content of the unitJa1
ProducerIDSINGLEThe ID of the manufacturer of the item.Nein
ProducerNameSINGLEThe manufacturer name of the item.Nein
Marking1IDSINGLEFlag 1 of the item.Nein
Marking2IDSINGLEFlag 2 of the item.Nein
StockTypeSINGLEThe stock type of the item.Nein
StoreSpecialSINGLEOption to present items more prominently in the online store.Nein
ConditionSINGLEThe condition of the item.Nein
FreeText1SINGLEThe content of the free text field 1.Nein
FreeText2SINGLEThe content of the free text field 2.Nein
FreeText3SINGLEThe content of the free text field 3.Nein
FreeText4SINGLEThe content of the free text field 4.Nein
FreeText5SINGLEThe content of the free text field 5.Nein
FreeText6SINGLEThe content of the free text field 6.Nein
FreeText7SINGLEThe content of the free text field 7.Nein
FreeText8SINGLEThe content of the free text field 8.Nein
FreeText9SINGLEThe content of the free text field 9.Nein
FreeText10SINGLEThe content of the free text field 10.Nein
FreeText11SINGLEThe content of the free text field 11.Nein
FreeText12SINGLEThe content of the free text field 12.Nein
FreeText13SINGLEThe content of the free text field 13.Nein
FreeText14SINGLEThe content of the free text field 14.Nein
FreeText15SINGLEThe content of the free text field 15.Nein
FreeText16SINGLEThe content of the free text field 16.Nein
FreeText17SINGLEThe content of the free text field 17.Nein
FreeText18SINGLEThe content of the free text field 18.Nein
FreeText19SINGLEThe content of the free text field 19.Nein
FreeText20SINGLEThe content of the free text field 20.Nein
IsShippableByAmazonSINGLEFlag that indicates if a shipping package is to be used for this item.Nein
PositionSINGLEThe position of the itemNein
OwnerIdSINGLEThe PlentyONE user that is assigned as owner of this item.Nein
ProducingCountryIDSINGLEThe ID of the country in which the item was manufactured.Nein
RevenueAccountSINGLEThe revenue account the item is linked to. An individual revenue account can be saved for each item in plentymarkets. If this is not done, PlentyONE automatically determines a revenue account based on the VAT rate.Nein
CouponRestrictionSINGLEIndicates if the item can be purchased using a promotional coupon.Nein
ConditionApiSINGLEThe condition of the item that is transferred to markets via API.Nein
IsSubscribableSINGLEFlag that indicates if the item can be ordered as a subscription item. If yes, the item can be ordered for delivery at regular intervals.Nein
AmazonFbaPlatformSINGLEIndicates the platform used for Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA).Nein
AmazonProductTypeSINGLEThe Amazon product type of the item.Nein
AmazonFedasSINGLEThe FEDAS product classification key of the item.Nein
EbayPresetIdSINGLEThe eBay preset ID.Nein
EbayCategorySINGLEThe eBay category 1 of the item. This category is used when a new listing is created.Nein
EbayCategory2SINGLEThe eBay category 2 of the item. This category is used when a new listing is created.Nein
EbayStoreCategorySINGLEThe ID of the eBay store category 1 of the item. This value is used for new listings.Nein
EbayStoreCategory2SINGLEThe ID of the eBay store category 2 of the item. This value is used for new listings.Nein
RakutenCategoryIdSINGLEThe ID of the Rakuten category of this item.Nein
AgeRestrictionSINGLEThe age customers must be to purchase the item. Items with an age rating of 18+ must be linked to a shipping profile for which the PostIdent option is activated.Nein
FeedbackSINGLEThe feedback, i.e. rating, that this item received. Possible values are 1 to 5 or 1 to 10 depending on the maximum rating setting. An initial feedback can be saved for items. The saved value will then be displayed as the initial feedback.Nein
ItemShippingProfilesMULTIPLEVALUEAll active shipping profiles as semicolon (;) separated listNein