Translates the text from the specified source language (source_lang) into the specified target language (target_lang) via DeepL.
Das sind die Optionen, mit denen man den Step konfigurieren kann.
Name | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Werte |
account | ACCOUNT | | Nein | |
InputSpreadsheet | SPREADSHEET | A Spreadsheet containing the data to be translated. | Ja | |
mappingdefinition | STRING | The mapping definition JSON String | Ja | |
| Folgende Felder sind zu konfigurieren:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | id | SINGLE | A unique identifier of the record to be translated. Can be used to match the translation with the source text (e.g. datastore record). | Ja | | input_text | SINGLE | The text to be translated. | Ja | | source_lang | SINGLE | The language into which the text should be translated. Leave empty to use the source_lang option of the Step | Nein | | target_lang | SINGLE | The language into which the text should be translated. Leave empty to use the target_lang option of the Step | Nein | EN | |
Limit | STRING | Limits the number of rows for the translation. Use small values for testing to save DeepL API-Calls. | Nein | |
source_lang | STRING | Language of the text to be translated. If this parameter is omitted, DeepL will attempt to detect the language of the text and translate it. The language can also be set via the 'source_lang' column in the input spreadsheet. In this case, the option is ignored. | Nein | - autodetect
- English
- Bulgarian
- Czech
- Danish
- German
- Greek
- Spanish
- Estonian
- Finnish
- French
- Hungarian
- Indonesian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Lithuanian
- Latvian
- Dutch
- Polish
- Portuguese (Brazillian)
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Russian
- Slovak
- Slovenien
- Swedish
- Turkish
- Ukranian
- Chinese (simplified)
target_lang | STRING | The language into which the text should be translated. The language can also be set via the 'target_lang' column in the input spreadsheet. In this case, the option is ignored. | Nein | - English
- Bulgarian
- Czech
- Danish
- German
- Greek
- Spanish
- Estonian
- Finnish
- French
- Hungarian
- Indonesian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Lithuanian
- Latvian
- Dutch
- Polish
- Portuguese (Brazillian)
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Russian
- Slovak
- Slovenien
- Swedish
- Turkish
- Ukranian
- Chinese (simplified)
split_sentences | STRING | Sets whether DeepL should first split the input into sentences by interpunction. This is enabled by default. Default: yes | Nein | |
preserve_formatting | STRING | Sets whether DeepL should respect the original formatting, even it would usually correct some aspects. For example: Punctuation at the beginning and end of the sentence. Upper/lower case at the beginning of the sentence. Default: no | Nein | |
tag_handling | STRING | Sets which kind of tags should be handled. | Nein | |
non_splitting_tags | STRING | Comma-separated list of XML tags which never split sentences. | Nein | |
outline_detection | STRING | Disable automatic detection of the XML structure. Use this option only in combination of splitting_tags. Default: yes | Nein | |
splitting_tags | STRING | Comma-separated list of XML tags which always cause splits. | Nein | |
ignore_tags | STRING | Comma-seperated list of XML tags that indicate text not to be translated. | Nein | |
glossary_id | STRING | Specify the glossary to use for the translation. Important: This requires the source_lang parameter to be set. The language pair of the glossary has to match the language pair of the request. | Nein | |
Das sind die Ergebnisse des Steps, die von nachfolgenden Steps, nach der Ausführung verwendet werden können.
Name | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Werte |
translatedItems | SPREADSHEET | | Ja | |
| Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | identifier | SINGLE | | Nein | | input_text | SINGLE | | Nein | | source_lang | SINGLE | | Nein | | target_lang | SINGLE | | Nein | | translation_detected_source_language | SINGLE | | Nein | | translation_text | SINGLE | | Nein | | error | SINGLE | | Nein | | errormessage | SINGLE | | Nein | | |
invalidItems | SPREADSHEET | | Ja | |
| Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | identifier | SINGLE | | Nein | | id | SINGLE | | Nein | | input_text | SINGLE | | Nein | | |
failedItems | SPREADSHEET | | Ja | |
| Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | identifier | SINGLE | | Nein | | method | SINGLE | | Nein | | host | SINGLE | | Nein | | requestBody | SINGLE | | Nein | | statusCode | SINGLE | | Nein | | statusMessage | SINGLE | | Nein | | responseHeaders | SINGLE | | Nein | | responseFilename | SINGLE | | Nein | | error | SINGLE | | Nein | | source_id | SINGLE | | Nein | | source_input_text | SINGLE | | Nein | | responseContent | SINGLE | | Nein | | errorMessage | SINGLE | | Nein | | |