This step receives invoices for your Billbee orders.
Das sind die Optionen, mit denen man den Step konfigurieren kann.
Name | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Werte |
account | ACCOUNT | | Nein | |
minInvoiceDate | DATETIME | Specifies the oldest invoice date to include | Nein | |
maxInvoiceDate | DATETIME | Specifies the newest invoice date to include | Nein | |
shopId | STRING | Specifies a comma separated list of shop ids for which invoices should be included | Nein | |
orderStateId | STRING | Specifies a comma separated list of state ids to include in the response | Nein | |
tag | STRING | Specifies a comma separated list of filtered invoices to include in the response | Nein | |
minPayDate | DATETIME | | Nein | |
maxPayDate | DATETIME | | Nein | |
Das sind die Ergebnisse des Steps, die von nachfolgenden Steps, nach der Ausführung verwendet werden können.
Name | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Werte |
invoices | SPREADSHEET | | Ja | |
| Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | identifier | SINGLE | | Nein | | InvoiceNumber | SINGLE | | Nein | | Type | SINGLE | | Nein | | Title | SINGLE | | Nein | | Salutation | SINGLE | | Nein | | LastName | SINGLE | | Nein | | FirstName | SINGLE | | Nein | | Company | SINGLE | | Nein | | CustomerNumber | SINGLE | | Nein | | DebtorNumber | SINGLE | | Nein | | InvoiceDate | SINGLE | | Nein | | TotalNet | SINGLE | | Nein | | Currency | SINGLE | | Nein | | TotalGross | SINGLE | | Nein | | PaymentTypeId | SINGLE | | Nein | | OrderNumber | SINGLE | | Nein | | TransactionId | SINGLE | | Nein | | Email | SINGLE | | Nein | | ShopName | SINGLE | | Nein | | Positions | SINGLE | | Nein | | PayDate | SINGLE | | Nein | | VatMode | SINGLE | | Nein | | BillbeeId | SINGLE | | Nein | | ShippingCountry | SINGLE | | Nein | | AdditionalFees | SINGLE | | Nein | | MerchantVatId | SINGLE | | Nein | | CustomerVatId | SINGLE | | Nein | | VatFlags_ThirdPartyCountry | SINGLE | | Nein | | VatFlags_SrcCountryIsEqualToDstCountry | SINGLE | | Nein | | VatFlags_CustomerHasVatId | SINGLE | | Nein | | VatFlags_EuDeliveryThresholdExceeded | SINGLE | | Nein | | VatFlags_OssEnabled | SINGLE | | Nein | | VatFlags_SellerIsRegisteredInDstCountry | SINGLE | | Nein | | VatFlags_OrderDistributionCountryIsEmpty | SINGLE | | Nein | | VatFlags_UserProfileCountryIsEmpty | SINGLE | | Nein | | VatFlags_SetIglWhenVatIdIsAvailableEnabled | SINGLE | | Nein | | VatFlags_RatesFrom | SINGLE | | Nein | | VatFlags_VatIdFrom | SINGLE | | Nein | | VatFlags_IsDistanceSale | SINGLE | | Nein | | |