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SellerCentralGetOrders Step

Ruft Bestellungen von Amazon SellerCentral ab.


Das sind die Optionen, mit denen man den Step konfigurieren kann.

Name Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Werte
account ACCOUNT Ihr Konto Ja
limit STRING Beschränken Sie die Anzahl der Aufträge. Nein
orderStatus STRINGLIST Auftragsstatusfilter (Standard: Alle). Nein
  • Versandt
  • Verfügbarkeit vorbehalten
  • Ausstehend
  • Nicht Versandt
  • Teilweise versandt
  • Rechnung nicht bestätigt
  • Storniert
  • Nicht erfüllbar
fulfillmentChannel STRINGLIST Bestellungen nach Versandkanal filtern (Standard: Alle). Nein
  • Versand durch Amazon (FBA)
  • Versand durch Verkäufer (MFN)
marketplace STRINGLIST Wählen Sie einen Marktplatz aus. Es können maximal 10 Marktplatz-IDs ausgewählt werden. Ja
  • Deutschland
  • USA
  • Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien
  • Australien
  • Kanada
  • Irland
  • Spanien
  • Japan
  • Frankreich
  • Belgien
  • Indien
  • Italien
  • Mexiko
  • Niederlande
  • Polen
  • Schweden
  • Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
  • Singapur
  • Türkei
createdAfter DATETIME Datumsfilter, der Artikel zurückgibt, die nach einem bestimmten Datum erstellt wurden. (Wird oft in Kombination mit der letzten Laufzeit des Flows verwendet.) Sie müssen mindestens den Filter createdAfter oder lastupdatedAfter verwenden. Nein
createdBefore DATETIME Datumsfilter, der Elemente zurückgibt, die vor einem bestimmten Datum erstellt wurden. (Wird oft in Kombination mit dem aktuellen Zeitstempel verwendet.) Nein
lastupdatedAfter DATETIME Datumsfilter, der Artikel zurückgibt, die nach einem bestimmten Datum aktualisiert wurden. (Wird oft in Kombination mit der letzten Laufzeit des Flows verwendet.) Sie müssen mindestens den Filter createdAfter oder lastupdatedAfter verwenden. Nein
lastupdatedBefore DATETIME Datumsfilter, der Elemente zurückgibt, die vor einem bestimmten Datum aktualisiert wurden. (Wird oft in Kombination mit dem aktuellen Zeitstempel verwendet.) Nein
sellerOrderId STRING Die SellerOrderId einer Bestellung, die vom Verkäufer angegeben wird. Wird verwendet, um nur die Bestellungen auszuwählen, die mit der Bestellkennung übereinstimmen. Wenn SellerOrderId angegeben wird, können FulfillmentChannels, OrderStatuses, PaymentMethod, LastUpdatedAfter, LastUpdatedBefore und BuyerEmail nicht angegeben werden. Nein
amazonOrderId STRING Eine Liste von AmazonOrderId-Werten. Eine AmazonOrderId ist ein von Amazon definierter Bestellungsbezeichner im Format 3-7-7. Mehrere Bestellkennungen können durch Komma getrennt werden (max. 50) Nein
buyerEmail STRING Gibt nur Bestellungen für diese spezielle buyerEmail zurück (Nützlich für Tests). Nein
electronicInvoiceStatus STRINGLIST Wird verwendet, um Bestellungen mit elektronischen Rechnungsstatus auszuwählen, die mit den angegebenen Werten übereinstimmen (Standard: Alle). Nein
  • Nicht erforderlich
  • Nicht gefunden
  • In Bearbeitung
  • Fehler
  • Akzeptiert
enableOrderAddresses STRING Aktivieren/Deaktivieren der Abfrage der Bestelladresse. Nein
  • Einschalten
  • Deaktivieren
enableOrderItems STRING Aktivieren / Deaktivieren der zusätzlichen Abfrage von Bestellpositionen. Beachten Sie, dass das Abrufen von Artikeln mit dieser Option viel langsamer ist. Nein
  • Einschalten
  • Deaktivieren
enableOrderItemsBuyerInfo STRING Liefert Käuferinformationen (Käuferinformationen für individuelle Bestellungen, Geschenkinformationen) für die Bestellpositionen in der Bestellung. Nein
  • Einschalten
  • Deaktivieren


Das sind die Ergebnisse des Steps, die von nachfolgenden Steps, nach der Ausführung verwendet werden können.

Name Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Werte
output SPREADSHEET Das Ergebnis in Form eines SPREADSHEETs. Ja
Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:

Feld Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Standardwert
rowTypeSINGLEType of output row.Nein
identifierSINGLEThe identifier column to import Spreadsheet into a Datastore.Nein
amazonOrderIdSINGLEAn Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format.Nein
orderStatusSINGLEThe current order status.Nein
salesChannelSINGLEThe sales channel of the first item in the order.Nein
orderChannelSINGLEThe order channel of the first item in the order.Nein
fulfillmentChannelSINGLEWhether the order was fulfilled by Amazon (AFN) or by the seller (MFN).Nein
purchaseDateSINGLEThe date when the order was created.Nein
orderTotal_amountSINGLEThe total charge amount for this order.Nein
orderTotal_currencyCodeSINGLEThe three-digit currency code of total charge for this order.Nein
cbaDisplayableShippingLabelSINGLECustom ship label for Checkout by Amazon (CBA).Nein
earliestDeliveryDateSINGLEThe start of the time period within which you have committed to fulfill the order. In ISO 8601 date time format. Returned only for seller-fulfilled orders.Nein
latestDeliveryDateSINGLEThe end of the time period within which you have committed to fulfill the order. In ISO 8601 date time format. Returned only for seller-fulfilled orders that do not have a PendingAvailability, Pending, or Canceled status.Nein
earliestShipDateSINGLEThe start of the time period within which you have committed to ship the order. In ISO 8601 date time format. Returned only for seller-fulfilled orders.Note: EarliestShipDate might not be returned for orders placed before February 1, 2013.Nein
latestShipDateSINGLEThe end of the time period within which you have committed to ship the order.In ISO 8601 date time format. Returned only for seller-fulfilled orders.Note: LatestShipDate might not be returned for orders placed before February 1, 2013.Nein
isEstimatedShipDateSetSINGLEWhen true, the estimated ship date is set for the order. Returned only for Sourcing on Demand orders.Nein
easyShipShipmentStatusSINGLEThe status of the Amazon Easy Ship order. This property is included only for Amazon Easy Ship orders.Possible values: PendingPickUp, LabelCanceled, PickedUp, OutForDelivery, Damaged, Delivered, RejectedByBuyer, Undeliverable, ReturnedToSeller, ReturningToSeller.Nein
isGlobalExpressEnabledSINGLEWhen true, the order is a GlobalExpress order.Nein
lastUpdateDateSINGLEThe date when the order was last updated.Note: LastUpdateDate is returned with an incorrect date for orders that were last updated before 2009-04-01.Nein
numberOfItemsShippedSINGLEThe number of items shipped.Nein
numberOfItemsUnshippedSINGLEThe number of items unshipped.Nein
paymentMethodSINGLEThe payment method for the order. This property is limited to Cash On Delivery (COD) and Convenience Store (CVS) payment methods.Nein
promiseResponseDueDateSINGLEIndicates the date by which the seller must respond to the buyer with an estimated ship date. Returned only for Sourcing on Demand orders.Nein
isReplacementOrderSINGLEWhen true, this is a replacement order.Nein
replacedOrderIdSINGLEThe order ID value for the order that is being replaced. Returned only if IsReplacementOrder = true.Nein
sellerOrderIdSINGLEA seller-defined order identifier.Nein
shipmentServiceLevelCategorySINGLEThe shipment service level category of the order.Possible values: Expedited, FreeEconomy, NextDay, SameDay, SecondDay, Scheduled, Standard.Nein
isBusinessOrderSINGLEWhen true, the order is an Amazon Business order. An Amazon Business order is an order where the buyer is a Verified Business Buyer.Nein
isPrimeSINGLEWhen true, the order is a seller-fulfilled Amazon Prime order.Nein
isPremiumOrderSINGLEWhen true, the order has a Premium Shipping Service Level Agreement. For more information about Premium Shipping orders, see "Premium Shipping Options" in the Seller Central Help for your marketplace.Nein
isSoldByABSINGLEWhen true, the item within this order was bought and re-sold by Amazon Business EU SARL (ABEU). By buying and instantly re-selling your items, ABEU becomes the seller of record, making your inventory available for sale to customers who would not otherwise purchase from a third-party seller.Nein
isISPUSINGLEWhen true, this order is marked to be picked up from a store rather than delivered.Nein
paymentExecutionDetailMAPInformation about sub-payment methods for a Cash On Delivery (COD) order.Note: For a COD order that is paid for using one sub-payment method, one PaymentExecutionDetailItem object is returned, with PaymentExecutionDetailItem/PaymentMethod = COD. For a COD order that is paid for using multiple sub-payment methods, two or more PaymentExecutionDetailItem objects are returned.Nein
paymentMethodDetailsMULTIPLEVALUEA list of payment methods for the order.Nein
defaultShipFromLocationAddress_addressLine1SINGLEThe street of default ship from location address.Nein
defaultShipFromLocationAddress_addressLine2SINGLEAdditional street of default ship from location address information.Nein
defaultShipFromLocationAddress_addressLine3SINGLEAdditional street of default ship from location address information.Nein
defaultShipFromLocationAddress_citySINGLEThe city of default ship from location address.Nein
defaultShipFromLocationAddress_stateOrRegionSINGLEThe state or region of default ship from location address. Sometimes this field is populated instead of city.Nein
defaultShipFromLocationAddress_countryCodeSINGLEThe country code of default ship from location address. A two-character country code, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.Nein
defaultShipFromLocationAddress_countySINGLEThe county of default ship from location address.Nein
defaultShipFromLocationAddress_districtSINGLEThe district of default ship from location address.Nein
defaultShipFromLocationAddress_nameSINGLEThe default ship from location address name.Nein
defaultShipFromLocationAddress_phoneSINGLEThe default ship from location address phone number. Not returned for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) orders.Nein
defaultShipFromLocationAddress_postalCodeSINGLEThe postal code of default ship from location address.Nein
defaultShipFromLocationAddress_municipalitySINGLEThe municipality of default ship from location address.Nein
shippingAddress_addressLine1SINGLEThe street of shipping address.Nein
shippingAddress_addressLine2SINGLEAdditional street of shipping address information.Nein
shippingAddress_addressLine3SINGLEAdditional street of shipping address information.Nein
shippingAddress_citySINGLEThe city of shipping address.Nein
shippingAddress_stateOrRegionSINGLEThe state or region of shipping address. Sometimes this field is populated instead of city.Nein
shippingAddress_countryCodeSINGLEThe country code of shipping address. A two-character country code, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.Nein
shippingAddress_countySINGLEThe county of shipping address.Nein
shippingAddress_districtSINGLEThe district of shipping address.Nein
shippingAddress_nameSINGLEThe shipping address name.Nein
shippingAddress_phoneSINGLEThe shipping address phone number. Not returned for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) orders.Nein
shippingAddress_postalCodeSINGLEThe postal code of shipping address.Nein
shippingAddress_municipalitySINGLEThe municipality of shipping address.Nein
buyerInfo_buyerCountySINGLEThe county of the buyer.Nein
buyerInfo_buyerNameSINGLEThe name of the buyer.Nein
buyerInfo_buyerEmailSINGLEThe anonymized email address of the buyer.Nein
buyerInfo_purchaseOrderNumberSINGLEThe purchase order (PO) number entered by the buyer at checkout. Returned only for orders where the buyer entered a PO number at checkout.Nein
buyerInfo_taxInfoCompanyLegalNameSINGLEThe Tax information about the buyers legal company name.Nein
buyerInfo_taxInfoTaxingRegionSINGLEThe country or region imposing the tax.Nein
parent_identifierSINGLEThe parent_identifier column to import Spreadsheet into a Datastore.Nein
orderItem_orderItemIdSINGLEAn Amazon-defined order item identifier.Nein
orderItem_ASINSINGLEThe Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of the item.Nein
orderItem_titleSINGLEThe name of the item.Nein
orderItem_sellerSKUSINGLEThe seller stock keeping unit (SKU) of the item.Nein
orderItem_itemPrice_amountSINGLEThe selling price amount of the order itemNein
orderItem_itemPrice_currencyCodeSINGLEThe three-digit currency code of item selling price amount.Nein
orderItem_itemTax_amountSINGLEThe tax amount of the order itemNein
orderItem_itemTax_currencyCodeSINGLEThe three-digit currency code of item tax amount.Nein
orderItem_quantityOrderedSINGLEThe number of items in the order.Nein
orderItem_quantityShippedSINGLEThe number of items shipped.Nein
orderItem_conditionIdSINGLEThe condition of the item. Possible values: New, Used, Collectible, Refurbished, Preorder, Club.Nein
orderItem_conditionNoteSINGLEThe condition of the item as described by the seller.Nein
orderItem_conditionSubtypeIdSINGLEThe subcondition of the item. Possible values: New, Mint, Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Poor, Club, OEM, Warranty, Refurbished Warranty, Refurbished, Open Box, Any, Other.Nein
orderItem_isGiftSINGLEWhen true, the item is a gift.Nein
orderItem_isSerialNumberRequiredSINGLEWhen true, the product type for this item has a serial number. Returned only for Amazon Easy Ship orders.Nein
orderItem_isTransparencySINGLEWhen true, transparency codes are required.Nein
orderItem_iossNumberSINGLEThe IOSS number for the marketplace. Sellers shipping to the European Union (EU) from outside of the EU must provide this IOSS number to their carrier when Amazon has collected the VAT on the sale.Nein
orderItem_priceDesignationSINGLEIndicates that the selling price is a special price that is available only for Amazon Business orders. For more information about the Amazon Business Seller Program, see the Amazon Business website.Possible values: BusinessPrice - A special price that is available only for Amazon Business orders.Nein
orderItem_scheduledDeliveryStartDateSINGLEThe start date of the scheduled delivery window in the time zone of the order destination. In ISO 8601 date time format.Nein
orderItem_scheduledDeliveryEndDateSINGLEThe end date of the scheduled delivery window in the time zone of the order destination. In ISO 8601 date time format.Nein
orderItem_deemedResellerCategorySINGLEThe category of deemed reseller. This applies to selling partners that are not based in the EU and is used to help them meet the VAT Deemed Reseller tax laws in the EU and UK.Nein
orderItem_storeChainStoreIdSINGLEThe store chain store identifier. Linked to a specific store in a store chain.Nein
orderItem_shippingPrice_amountSINGLEThe shipping price of the order itemNein
orderItem_shippingPrice_currencyCodeSINGLEThe three-digit currency code of shipping price amount.Nein
orderItem_shippingTax_amountSINGLEThe shipping tax amount of the order itemNein
orderItem_shippingTax_currencyCodeSINGLEThe three-digit currency code of shipping tax amount.Nein
orderItem_shippingDiscount_amountSINGLEThe shipping discount amount of the order itemNein
orderItem_shippingDiscount_currencyCodeSINGLEThe three-digit currency code of shipping discount amount.Nein
orderItem_shippingDiscountTax_amountSINGLEThe shipping discount tax amount of the order itemNein
orderItem_shippingDiscountTax_currencyCodeSINGLEThe three-digit currency code of shipping discount tax amount.Nein
orderItem_promotionDiscount_amountSINGLEThe promotion discount amount of the order itemNein
orderItem_promotionDiscount_currencyCodeSINGLEThe three-digit currency code of promotion discount amount.Nein
orderItem_promotionDiscountTax_amountSINGLEThe promotion discount tax amount of the order itemNein
orderItem_promotionDiscountTax_currencyCodeSINGLEThe three-digit currency code of promotion discount tax amount.Nein
orderItem_CODFee_amountSINGLEThe fee charged for COD service.Nein
orderItem_CODFee_currencyCodeSINGLEThe three-digit currency code of fee charged for COD service.Nein
orderItem_CODFeeDiscount_amountSINGLEThe discount on the COD fee.Nein
orderItem_CODFeeDiscount_currencyCodeSINGLEThe three-digit currency code of discount on the COD fee.Nein
orderItem_productInfoDetail_numberOfItemsSINGLEThe total number of items that are included in the ASIN.Nein
orderItem_promotionIdsMULTIPLEVALUEA list of promotion identifiers provided by the seller when the promotions were created.Nein
orderItem_pointsGrantedSINGLEThe number and value of Amazon Points granted with the purchase of an item.Nein
orderItem_pointsMonetaryValue_amountSINGLEThe monetary value of the Amazon Points granted.Nein
orderItem_pointsMonetaryValue_currencyCodeSINGLEThe three-digit currency code of monetary value (Amazon Points granted).Nein
orderItem_isBuyerRequestedCancelSINGLEWhen true, the buyer has requested cancellation.Nein
orderItem_buyerCancelReasonSINGLEThe reason that the buyer requested cancellation.Nein
orderItem_buyerCustomizedURLSINGLEBuyer information for custom orders from the Amazon Custom program.Nein
orderItem_giftMessageTextSINGLEA gift message provided by the buyer.Nein
orderItem_giftWrapLevelSINGLEThe gift wrap level specified by the buyer.Nein
orderItem_giftWrapPrice_amountSINGLEThe gift wrap price amount of the item.Nein
orderItem_giftWrapPrice_currencyCodeSINGLEThe gift wrap price currency code of the item.Nein
orderItem_giftWrapTax_amountSINGLEThe tax amount on the gift wrap price.Nein
orderItem_giftWrapTax_currencyCodeSINGLEThe tax amount currency code on the gift wrap price.Nein