With this step the product information of an already created product can be updated.
Das sind die Optionen, mit denen man den Step konfigurieren kann.
Name | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Werte |
account | ACCOUNT | shopify account data | Ja | |
limit | STRING | Limits the number of rows used from the input SPREADSHEET. Use low values for testing. If limit is empty, all lines are processed. | Nein | |
input | SPREADSHEET | Spreadsheet of items to be proceeded | Ja | |
mappingdefinition | STRING | The mapping definition JSON String | Ja | |
| Folgende Felder sind zu konfigurieren:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | product_id | SINGLE | The shopify internal unique numeric identifier of the product. To find the product_id of the product, use the step shopifyGetProducts. | Ja | | title | SINGLE | The name of the product. | Nein | | body_html | SINGLE | A description of the product. Supports HTML formatting. | Nein | | vendor | SINGLE | The name of the product's vendor. | Nein | | inventory_management | SINGLE | The fulfillment service that tracks the number of items in stock for the product variant. | Nein | | inventory_policy | SINGLE | Specifies whether or not customers are allowed to place an order for a product variant when it is out of stock. value "continue" allowed to place an order value "deny" not allowed to place an order | Nein | | product_type | SINGLE | A categorization for the product used for filtering and searching products. | Nein | | tags | MULTIPLEVALUE | A string of comma-separated tags that are used for filtering and search. Each comma-separated tag can have up to 255 characters. | Nein | | publishing | SINGLE | Publishing to the Online Store channel. "Y" the product including the variants is published and visible. "N" the product including the variants is not published and not visible. | Nein | | publishing_scope | SINGLE | Sets the scope of the publishing. web: The product is published to the Online Store channel but not published to the Point of Sale channel. global: The product is published to both the Online Store channel and the Point of Sale channel. | Nein | | status | SINGLE | The status of the product. Note that product statuses aren't currently available to stores on the Shopify Plus plan. Default value: active | Nein | active | images | MULTIPLEVALUE | A list of product image URLs (comma separated), each one representing an image associated with the product. | Nein | |
columns to exclude | STRING | Comma separated list of column names which will be excluded depending. Wildcards * (0 or more characters) and ? (0 or 1 character) are allowed. E.g. 'item*' would match all columns starting with 'item'. | Nein | |
Das sind die Ergebnisse des Steps, die von nachfolgenden Steps, nach der Ausführung verwendet werden können.
Name | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Werte |
successfullyUpdatedProductInformation | SPREADSHEET | | Ja | |
| Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | identifier | SINGLE | | Nein | | product_id | SINGLE | | Nein | | title | SINGLE | | Nein | | body_html | SINGLE | | Nein | | vendor | SINGLE | | Nein | | product_type | SINGLE | | Nein | | created_at | SINGLE | | Nein | | handle | SINGLE | | Nein | | updated_at | SINGLE | | Nein | | published_at | SINGLE | | Nein | | template_suffix | SINGLE | | Nein | | tags | SINGLE | | Nein | | published_scope | SINGLE | | Nein | | admin_graphql_api_id | SINGLE | | Nein | |
invalidItems | SPREADSHEET | Output spreadsheet with invalid items. If an item is invalid, the required input is missing or is not in the correct format. | Ja | |
| Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | identifier | SINGLE | | Nein | | product_id | SINGLE | | Nein | | title | SINGLE | | Nein | | body_html | SINGLE | | Nein | | vendor | SINGLE | | Nein | | product_type | SINGLE | | Nein | | tags | SINGLE | | Nein | | publishing | SINGLE | | Nein | | publishing_scope | SINGLE | | Nein | | images | SINGLE | | Nein | |
failedItems | SPREADSHEET | Output spreadsheet with failed items. An error occurred while processing. If an item failed, in most cases the product_id is wrong. | Ja | |
| Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | identifier | SINGLE | | Nein | | product_id | SINGLE | | Nein | | method | SINGLE | | Nein | | host | SINGLE | | Nein | | requestBody | SINGLE | | Nein | | statusCode | SINGLE | | Nein | | statusMessage | SINGLE | | Nein | | error | SINGLE | | Nein | | responseContent | SINGLE | | Nein | | errorMessage | SINGLE | | Nein | |