Type | SINGLE | Type of product. | Nein | |
identifier | SINGLE | The identifier column to import Spreadsheet into a Datastore. | Nein | |
Id | SINGLE | Unique identity of the product. | Nein | |
parent_identifier | SINGLE | The parent_identifier column to import Spreadsheet into a Datastore. | Nein | |
ParentId | SINGLE | Unique identity of the parent product (MainVariant). | Nein | |
ChildCount | SINGLE | Number of variants the product has. | Nein | |
ProductNumber | SINGLE | Unique number assigned to individual products. Define rules for automatic assignment of every product creation as per your number range. | Nein | |
Name | SINGLE | Name of the product. | Nein | |
MetaTitle | SINGLE | A page title indexed by search engines and appears in search results listings. | Nein | |
MetaDescription | SINGLE | A short description of the product for search results listings. | Nein | |
Description | SINGLE | Description of the product. | Nein | |
Keywords | SINGLE | Keywords that give additional information about the Product. | Nein | |
AdditionalText | SINGLE | (depracated) AdditonalText is not used anymore. The column will be remove in a future version of this Step. | Nein | |
Active | SINGLE | If true, the products are available for selection in the storefront for purchase. | Nein | |
MarkAsTopseller | SINGLE | Indicates weather the product is top seller or not. | Nein | |
CoverId | SINGLE | Unique identity of a ProductMedia item used as product cover. | Nein | |
CoverUrl | SINGLE | Url of cover image. | Nein | |
ImageUrls | MULTIPLEVALUE | A list of image URLs (media type = image) | Nein | |
MediaIds | MULTIPLEVALUE | A list of product media Ids | Nein | |
MediaUrls | MULTIPLEVALUE | A list of the URLs of all product media (including images) | Nein | |
PriceGross | SINGLE | The gross price value. | Nein | |
PriceNet | SINGLE | The net price value | Nein | |
PriceLinked | SINGLE | If true, the net and gross value is linked | Nein | true |
PriceListPriceGross | SINGLE | The gross list price value. | Nein | |
PriceListPriceNet | SINGLE | The net list price value. | Nein | |
PriceListPriceLinked | SINGLE | If true, the net list price and gross list price is linked | Nein | |
PriceRegulationPriceGross | SINGLE | The gross regulation price value. | Nein | |
PriceRegulationPriceNet | SINGLE | The net regulation price value. | Nein | |
PriceRegulationPriceLinked | SINGLE | If true, the net regulation price and gross regulation price is linked | Nein | |
PurchasePrice | SINGLE | (depracated) Purchase price (gross) of default currency. | Nein | |
PurchasePriceGross | SINGLE | The gross price value. | Nein | |
PurchasePriceNet | SINGLE | The net price value | Nein | |
PurchasePriceLinked | SINGLE | If true, the net and gross value is linked | Nein | true |
DefaultCurrencyId | SINGLE | Unique identity of currency. | Nein | |
DefaultCurrencyName | SINGLE | Full name of the currency. For example, US-Dollar. | Nein | |
DefaultCurrencyIsoCode | SINGLE | Standard international three digit code to represent currency. For example, USD. | Nein | |
TaxId | SINGLE | Unique identity of tax. | Nein | |
TaxRate | SINGLE | Rate of tax. | Nein | |
TaxName | SINGLE | Name defined for a Tax. | Nein | |
Stock | SINGLE | Indicates the number of products available. | Nein | |
AvailableStock | SINGLE | Indicates the number of products still available. This value results from the stock minus the open orders. | Nein | |
Available | SINGLE | Indicates weather the product is available or not. | Nein | |
DisplayInListing | SINGLE | (depracated) This column is not used anymore and will be removed in future version of this step. | Nein | |
DeliveryTimeId | SINGLE | Unique identity of delivery time. | Nein | |
RestockTime | SINGLE | The restock time in days indicates how long it will take until a sold out item is back in stock. | Nein | |
ShippingFree | SINGLE | Indicates weather the shipping price is free or not. | Nein | |
MinPurchase | SINGLE | Minimum number of items that can be purchased. | Nein | |
PurchaseSteps | SINGLE | Specifies the scales in which the item is to be offered. For example, a scale of 2 means that your customers can purchase 2, 4, 6 products, etc., but not 1, 3 or 5. | Nein | |
MaxPurchase | SINGLE | Maximum number of items that can be purchased. | Nein | |
IsCloseout | SINGLE | When the value is set to true, the product is hidden when sold out. | Nein | |
ReleaseDate | SINGLE | The release date of a product or product model. This can be used to distinguish the exact variant of a product. | Nein | |
EAN | SINGLE | Indicates EAN of the product. | Nein | |
ManufacturerNumber | SINGLE | Unique number that describes the manufacturer. | Nein | |
ManufacturerId | SINGLE | Unique identity of the manufacturer. | Nein | |
ManufacturerMediaId | SINGLE | Unique identity of the media. | Nein | |
ManufacturerLink | SINGLE | URL of the manufacturer's portal. | Nein | |
ManufacturerName | SINGLE | Name of the product manufacturer. | Nein | |
ManufacturerDescription | SINGLE | A detailed description of product manufacturer. | Nein | |
Width | SINGLE | The width of the product. | Nein | |
Height | SINGLE | The height of the product. | Nein | |
Length | SINGLE | The length of the product. | Nein | |
Weight | SINGLE | The weight of the product. | Nein | |
PurchaseUnit | SINGLE | Quantity of the item purchased. For example, 500ml, 2kg, etc. | Nein | |
UnitId | SINGLE | Unique identity of the unit. | Nein | |
UnitShortCode | SINGLE | Short name for unit, e.g., m, kg. | Nein | |
UnitName | SINGLE | Full name of the unit, e.g., Meter, kilogram. | Nein | |
PackUnit | SINGLE | Type of packing. For example, bottle, tin, crate, etc. | Nein | |
ReferenceUnit | SINGLE | Price of purchased item calculated as per the reference unit. Say, you bought 500ml of milk and the price is calculated in reference to 1000ml. | Nein | |
ProductId | SINGLE | Unique identity of the product. | Nein | |
CustomFields | MAP | | Nein | |
CategoryTreeIds | MULTIPLEVALUE | | Nein | |
CategoryBreadcrumbs | MULTIPLEVALUE | | Nein | |
CategoryNames | MULTIPLEVALUE | | Nein | |
VisibilitySaleschannelIds | MULTIPLEVALUE | | Nein | |
PropertyIds | MULTIPLEVALUE | | Nein | |
PropertyNamesMap | MAP | | Nein | |
OptionIds | MULTIPLEVALUE | | Nein | |
OptionNamesMap | MAP | | Nein | |
TagIds | MULTIPLEVALUE | | Nein | |
TagNames | MULTIPLEVALUE | | Nein | |
BlacklistIds | MULTIPLEVALUE | | Nein | |
WhitelistIds | MULTIPLEVALUE | | Nein | |
AdvancedPricesGross | MAP | Advanced pricing (gross) as map, e.g. ruleId1=11;ruleId2=13.20 | Nein | |
AdvancedPricesNet | MAP | Advanced pricing (net) as map, e.g. ruleId1=11;ruleId2=13.20 | Nein | |
AdvancedPricesListPriceGross | MAP | Advanced pricing (gross list price) as map, e.g. ruleId1=11;ruleId2=13.20 | Nein | |
AdvancedPricesListPriceNet | MAP | Advanced pricing (net list price) as map, e.g. ruleId1=11;ruleId2=13.20 | Nein | |
ConfiguratorSettingsIdOptionIdMap | MAP | Map of configurator settings ids and optionId (id1=optionId1;id2=optionId2,...). | Nein | |
ConfiguratorSettingsOptionPriceGrossMap | MAP | Configurator settings (option id=price gross ) as map, e.g. option1=11.00;option2=13.20 | Nein | |
ConfiguratorSettingsOptionPriceNetMap | MAP | Configurator settings (option id=price net ) as map, e.g. option1=11.00;option2=13.20 | Nein | |
CreatedAt | SINGLE | | Nein | |
UpdatedAt | SINGLE | | Nein | |
VersionId | SINGLE | Unique identity of the product's version. | Nein | |
ParentVersionId | SINGLE | Unique identity of the parent product's version. | Nein | |