PlentySetOrdersHead Step

Aktualisiert den Auftragskopf / Bestelldaten von plentymarkets Aufträgen


Das sind die Optionen, mit denen man den Step konfigurieren kann.

Name Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Werte
account ACCOUNT Ihre plentymarkets Verbindung Ja
limit STRING Begrenzt die Anzahl der Bestellungen, die aktualisiert werden. Leer lassen für unbegrenzt. Nein
ordersSpreadsheet SPREADSHEET Ein Spreadsheet mit Bestelldaten, die in plentymarkets aktualisiert werden sollen. Ja
mappingdefinition STRING Die Mapping-Definition JSON-String Nein
Folgende Felder sind zu konfigurieren:

Feld Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Standardwert
OrderIDSINGLEThe ID of the order.Ja
OrderTypeIDSINGLEThe ID of the order type. It is possible to define individual order types.Nein
OrderStatusSINGLEThe ID of the order status.Nein
ResponsibleIDSINGLEThe user ID of the orders ownerNein
PlentyIDSINGLEThe plenty ID of the client that the order belongs to.Nein
CreatedOnDateSINGLEThe date that the order was inserted (alias of order date type ID = 2).Nein
CompletedAtSINGLEThe date that the order was completed (alias of order date type ID = 5).Nein
PaidAtSINGLEThe date on which the order was completed (alias of order date type ID = 3).Nein
PaymentDueDateSINGLEThe order payment due date (alias of order date type ID = 7).Nein
EstimatedShippingDateSINGLEThe estimated shipping date of this order (alias of order date type ID = 8).Nein
CustomerIDSINGLEThe ID of the contact.Nein
BillingAddressIDSINGLEThe ID of order billing address.Nein
DeliveryAddressIDSINGLEThe ID of order shipping address.Nein
WarehouseIDSINGLEThe ID of warehouse (alias of order property type ID = 1)Nein
ShippingProfileIDSINGLEThe ID of the shipping profile (alias of order property type ID = 2).Nein
MethodOfPaymentIDSINGLEThe ID of the payment method (alias of order property type ID = 3).Nein
ExternalOrderIDSINGLEThe ID of the external order (alias of order property type ID = 7).Nein
CustomerReferenceSINGLEThe customer sign order property (alias of order property type ID = 8).Nein
Marking1IDSINGLEThe ID of order marking flag (alias of order property type ID = 15).Nein
SellerAccountSINGLEThe Seller Account (alias of order property type ID = 10).Nein
ExternalDeliveryIDSINGLEThe external delivery ID (alias of order property type ID = 49).Nein
TagIDsMULTIPLEVALUEThe order tag IDs. Note: Existing tag IDs of the order will be overwritten. Please specify the existing tag IDs if you want to keep them.Nein
RemoveTagIDsMULTIPLEVALUEA list of tag ids to be removed from order.Nein
OrderNoteSINGLEUse this column to create a new order note. please also set the field 'OrderNoteUserID' to add an order note.Nein
OrderNoteUserIDSINGLEThe user id of the new order note.Nein
OrderPropertiesMAPAddtional order properties as map (typeId=value). List of typeIds:
OrderDatesMapMAPMap of additional order dates to set(e.g. dateTypeId1=2023-11-03T21:42:46+01:00;dateTypeId2=2023-11-07T09:02:28+01:00;...). See for available date types.Nein
tagMode STRING Verwenden Sie diesen Modus, um festzulegen, ob Tags hinzugefügt oder überschrieben werden sollen: 'Tags hinzufügen' - Tags werden der Bestellung hinzugefügt, vorhandene Tags bleiben erhalten | 'Tags überschreiben' - Bestehende Tags der Bestellung werden überschrieben. Verwenden Sie den Wert '-1' in diesem Modus um alle Tags zu entfernen. Nein
  • Tags hinzufügen
  • Tags überschreiben


Das sind die Ergebnisse des Steps, die von nachfolgenden Steps, nach der Ausführung verwendet werden können.

Name Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Werte
results SPREADSHEET Ein Spreadsheet-Objekt mit den Ergebnissen der Aktualisierung. Ja
Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:

Feld Datentyp Beschreibung Pflichtfeld Standardwert
identifierSINGLEThe identifier column to import Spreadsheet into a Datastore.Nein
OrderIDSINGLEThe ID of the order.Ja
OrderTypeIDSINGLEThe ID of the order type. It is possible to define individual order types.Nein
OrderStatusSINGLEThe ID of the order status.Nein
ResponsibleIDSINGLEThe user ID of the orders ownerNein
CreatedAtSINGLEThe date on which the order was created.Nein
UpdatedAtSINGLEThe date on which the order was updated.Nein
PlentyIDSINGLEThe plenty ID of the client that the order belongs to.Nein
CreatedOnDateSINGLEThe date that the order was inserted (alias of order date type ID = 2).Nein
CompletedAtSINGLEThe date that the order was completed (alias of order date type ID = 5).Nein
PaidAtSINGLEThe date on which the order was completed (alias of order date type ID = 3).Nein
PaymentDueDateSINGLEThe order payment due date (alias of order date type ID = 7).Nein
EstimatedShippingDateSINGLEThe estimated shipping date of this order (alias of order date type ID = 8).Nein
CustomerIDSINGLEThe ID of the contact.Nein
BillingAddressIDSINGLEThe ID of order billing address.Nein
DeliveryAddressIDSINGLEThe ID of order shipping address.Nein
WarehouseIDSINGLEThe ID of warehouse (alias of order property type ID = 1)Nein
ShippingProfileIDSINGLEThe ID of the shipping profile (alias of order property type ID = 2).Nein
MethodOfPaymentIDSINGLEThe ID of the payment method (alias of order property type ID = 3).Nein
ExternalOrderIDSINGLEThe ID of the external order (alias of order property type ID = 7).Nein
CustomerReferenceSINGLEThe customer sign order property (alias of order property type ID = 8).Nein
Marking1IDSINGLEThe ID of order marking flag (alias of order property type ID = 15).Nein
SellerAccountSINGLEThe Seller Account (alias of order property type ID = 10).Nein
ExternalDeliveryIDSINGLEThe external delivery ID (alias of order property type ID = 49).Nein
OrderPropertiesMAPAddtional order properties as map (typeId=value). List of typeIds:
OrderDatesMapMAPMap of additional order dates to set(e.g. dateTypeId1=2023-11-03T21:42:46+01:00;dateTypeId2=2023-11-07T09:02:28+01:00;...). See for available date types.Nein