PlentySetOrdersHead Step
Aktualisiert den Auftragskopf / Bestelldaten von plentymarkets Aufträgen
Das sind die Optionen, mit denen man den Step konfigurieren kann.
Name | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Werte |
account | ACCOUNT | Ihre plentymarkets Verbindung | Ja | |
limit | STRING | Begrenzt die Anzahl der Bestellungen, die aktualisiert werden. Leer lassen für unbegrenzt. | Nein | |
ordersSpreadsheet | SPREADSHEET | Ein Spreadsheet mit Bestelldaten, die in plentymarkets aktualisiert werden sollen. | Ja | |
mappingdefinition | STRING | Die Mapping-Definition JSON-String | Nein | |
| Folgende Felder sind zu konfigurieren:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | OrderID | SINGLE | The ID of the order. | Ja | | OrderTypeID | SINGLE | The ID of the order type. It is possible to define individual order types. | Nein | | OrderStatus | SINGLE | The ID of the order status. | Nein | | ResponsibleID | SINGLE | The user ID of the orders owner | Nein | | PlentyID | SINGLE | The plenty ID of the client that the order belongs to. | Nein | | CreatedOnDate | SINGLE | The date that the order was inserted (alias of order date type ID = 2). | Nein | | CompletedAt | SINGLE | The date that the order was completed (alias of order date type ID = 5). | Nein | | PaidAt | SINGLE | The date on which the order was completed (alias of order date type ID = 3). | Nein | | PaymentDueDate | SINGLE | The order payment due date (alias of order date type ID = 7). | Nein | | EstimatedShippingDate | SINGLE | The estimated shipping date of this order (alias of order date type ID = 8). | Nein | | CustomerID | SINGLE | The ID of the contact. | Nein | | BillingAddressID | SINGLE | The ID of order billing address. | Nein | | DeliveryAddressID | SINGLE | The ID of order shipping address. | Nein | | WarehouseID | SINGLE | The ID of warehouse (alias of order property type ID = 1) | Nein | | ShippingProfileID | SINGLE | The ID of the shipping profile (alias of order property type ID = 2). | Nein | | MethodOfPaymentID | SINGLE | The ID of the payment method (alias of order property type ID = 3). | Nein | | ExternalOrderID | SINGLE | The ID of the external order (alias of order property type ID = 7). | Nein | | CustomerReference | SINGLE | The customer sign order property (alias of order property type ID = 8). | Nein | | Marking1ID | SINGLE | The ID of order marking flag (alias of order property type ID = 15). | Nein | | SellerAccount | SINGLE | The Seller Account (alias of order property type ID = 10). | Nein | | ExternalDeliveryID | SINGLE | The external delivery ID (alias of order property type ID = 49). | Nein | | TagIDs | MULTIPLEVALUE | The order tag IDs. Note: Existing tag IDs of the order will be overwritten. Please specify the existing tag IDs if you want to keep them. | Nein | | RemoveTagIDs | MULTIPLEVALUE | A list of tag ids to be removed from order. | Nein | | OrderNote | SINGLE | Use this column to create a new order note. please also set the field 'OrderNoteUserID' to add an order note. | Nein | | OrderNoteUserID | SINGLE | The user id of the new order note. | Nein | | OrderProperties | MAP | Addtional order properties as map (typeId=value). List of typeIds: | Nein | | OrderDatesMap | MAP | Map of additional order dates to set(e.g. dateTypeId1=2023-11-03T21:42:46+01:00;dateTypeId2=2023-11-07T09:02:28+01:00;...). See for available date types. | Nein | |
tagMode | STRING | Verwenden Sie diesen Modus, um festzulegen, ob Tags hinzugefügt oder überschrieben werden sollen: 'Tags hinzufügen' - Tags werden der Bestellung hinzugefügt, vorhandene Tags bleiben erhalten | 'Tags überschreiben' - Bestehende Tags der Bestellung werden überschrieben. Verwenden Sie den Wert '-1' in diesem Modus um alle Tags zu entfernen. | Nein | - Tags hinzufügen
- Tags überschreiben
Das sind die Ergebnisse des Steps, die von nachfolgenden Steps, nach der Ausführung verwendet werden können.
Name | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Werte |
results | SPREADSHEET | Ein Spreadsheet-Objekt mit den Ergebnissen der Aktualisierung. | Ja | |
| Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | identifier | SINGLE | The identifier column to import Spreadsheet into a Datastore. | Nein | | OrderID | SINGLE | The ID of the order. | Ja | | OrderTypeID | SINGLE | The ID of the order type. It is possible to define individual order types. | Nein | | OrderStatus | SINGLE | The ID of the order status. | Nein | | ResponsibleID | SINGLE | The user ID of the orders owner | Nein | | CreatedAt | SINGLE | The date on which the order was created. | Nein | | UpdatedAt | SINGLE | The date on which the order was updated. | Nein | | PlentyID | SINGLE | The plenty ID of the client that the order belongs to. | Nein | | CreatedOnDate | SINGLE | The date that the order was inserted (alias of order date type ID = 2). | Nein | | CompletedAt | SINGLE | The date that the order was completed (alias of order date type ID = 5). | Nein | | PaidAt | SINGLE | The date on which the order was completed (alias of order date type ID = 3). | Nein | | PaymentDueDate | SINGLE | The order payment due date (alias of order date type ID = 7). | Nein | | EstimatedShippingDate | SINGLE | The estimated shipping date of this order (alias of order date type ID = 8). | Nein | | CustomerID | SINGLE | The ID of the contact. | Nein | | BillingAddressID | SINGLE | The ID of order billing address. | Nein | | DeliveryAddressID | SINGLE | The ID of order shipping address. | Nein | | WarehouseID | SINGLE | The ID of warehouse (alias of order property type ID = 1) | Nein | | ShippingProfileID | SINGLE | The ID of the shipping profile (alias of order property type ID = 2). | Nein | | MethodOfPaymentID | SINGLE | The ID of the payment method (alias of order property type ID = 3). | Nein | | ExternalOrderID | SINGLE | The ID of the external order (alias of order property type ID = 7). | Nein | | CustomerReference | SINGLE | The customer sign order property (alias of order property type ID = 8). | Nein | | Marking1ID | SINGLE | The ID of order marking flag (alias of order property type ID = 15). | Nein | | SellerAccount | SINGLE | The Seller Account (alias of order property type ID = 10). | Nein | | ExternalDeliveryID | SINGLE | The external delivery ID (alias of order property type ID = 49). | Nein | | OrderProperties | MAP | Addtional order properties as map (typeId=value). List of typeIds: | Nein | | OrderDatesMap | MAP | Map of additional order dates to set(e.g. dateTypeId1=2023-11-03T21:42:46+01:00;dateTypeId2=2023-11-07T09:02:28+01:00;...). See for available date types. | Nein | |