identifier | SINGLE | The identifier column to import Spreadsheet into a Datastore. | Nein | |
ItemID | SINGLE | The ID of the item. The ID must be unique. | Ja | |
ProducerID | SINGLE | The ID of the manufacturer of the item. | Nein | |
StockType | SINGLE | The stock type of the item. | Nein | |
StoreSpecial | SINGLE | Option to present items more prominently in the online store. | Nein | |
Condition | SINGLE | The condition of the item. | Nein | |
FreeText1 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 1. | Nein | |
FreeText2 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 2. | Nein | |
FreeText3 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 3. | Nein | |
FreeText4 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 4. | Nein | |
FreeText5 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 5. | Nein | |
FreeText6 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 6. | Nein | |
FreeText7 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 7. | Nein | |
FreeText8 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 8. | Nein | |
FreeText9 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 9. | Nein | |
FreeText10 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 10. | Nein | |
FreeText11 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 11. | Nein | |
FreeText12 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 12. | Nein | |
FreeText13 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 13. | Nein | |
FreeText14 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 14. | Nein | |
FreeText15 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 15. | Nein | |
FreeText16 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 16. | Nein | |
FreeText17 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 17. | Nein | |
FreeText18 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 18. | Nein | |
FreeText19 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 19. | Nein | |
FreeText20 | SINGLE | The content of the free text field 20. | Nein | |
Type | SINGLE | The type of the item. Because Set items are managed using a separate route, this value is always Default. | Nein | |
IsShippableByAmazon | SINGLE | Flag that indicates if a shipping package is to be used for this item. | Nein | |
Position | SINGLE | The position of the item. | Nein | |
OwnerId | SINGLE | The PlentyONE user that is assigned as owner of this item. | Nein | |
ProducingCountryID | SINGLE | The ID of the country in which the item was manufactured. | Nein | |
RevenueAccount | SINGLE | The revenue account the item is linked to. An individual revenue account can be saved for each item in PlentyONE. If this is not done, PlentyONE automatically determines a revenue account based on the VAT rate. | Nein | |
CouponRestriction | SINGLE | Indicates if the item can be purchased using a promotional coupon. | Nein | |
ConditionApi | SINGLE | The condition of the item that is transferred to markets via API. | Nein | |
IsSubscribable | SINGLE | Flag that indicates if the item can be ordered as a subscription item. If yes, the item can be ordered for delivery at regular intervals. | Nein | |
AmazonFbaPlatform | SINGLE | Indicates the platform used for Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA). | Nein | |
AmazonProductType | SINGLE | The Amazon product type of the item. | Nein | |
AmazonFedas | SINGLE | The FEDAS product classification key of the item. | Nein | |
EbayPresetId | SINGLE | The eBay preset ID. | Nein | |
EbayCategory | SINGLE | The eBay category 1 of the item. This category is used when a new listing is created. | Nein | |
EbayCategory2 | SINGLE | The eBay category 2 of the item. This category is used when a new listing is created. | Nein | |
EbayStoreCategory | SINGLE | The ID of the eBay store category 1 of the item. This value is used for new listings. | Nein | |
EbayStoreCategory2 | SINGLE | The ID of the eBay store category 2 of the item. This value is used for new listings. | Nein | |
RakutenCategoryId | SINGLE | The ID of the Rakuten category of this item. | Nein | |
Marking1ID | SINGLE | Flag 1 of the item. | Nein | |
Marking2ID | SINGLE | Flag 2 of the item. | Nein | |
AgeRestriction | SINGLE | The age customers must be to purchase the item. Items with an age rating of 18+ must be linked to a shipping profile for which the PostIdent option is activated. | Nein | |
Feedback | SINGLE | The feedback, i.e. rating, that this item received. Possible values are 1 to 5 or 1 to 10 depending on the maximum rating setting. An initial feedback can be saved for items. The saved value will then be displayed as the initial feedback. | Nein | |