Mit diesem Step können Adressdaten (Kunden-, Rechnungs- und Lieferadressen) in Plentymarkets aktualisiert werden.
Zielspalten > siehe Step-Hilfe
Für das Update von Adressen muss zusätzlich zu den Pflichtspalten ID, City und CountryID mindestens eine Zielspalten
- Company, FirstName oder Surname
- Street, HouseNumber oder AdditionalAddress3
befüllt werden.
Das sind die Optionen, mit denen man den Step konfigurieren kann.
Name | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Werte |
account | ACCOUNT | Ihre plentymarkets Verbindung | Ja | |
limit | STRING | Beschränken Sie die Anzahl der Adressen, die aktualisiert werden sollen. Leer lassen für unbegrenzt. | Nein | |
inputSpreadsheet | SPREADSHEET | Ein Spreadsheet mit Adressen, die in plentymarkets aktualisiert werden sollen. | Ja | |
mappingdefinition | STRING | Die Mapping-Definition JSON-String | Nein | |
| Folgende Felder sind zu konfigurieren:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | ID | SINGLE | ID of Address for update. Leave empty to create a new address (CustomerID required). | Nein | | CustomerID | SINGLE | The ID of contact. | Nein | | TypeID | SINGLE | TypeID can only be used for new addresses ('ID' column is empty) | Nein | | Gender | SINGLE | The gender | Nein | | Company | SINGLE | The name 1 field (defaults to: company name). | Nein | | FirstName | SINGLE | The name 2 field (defaults to: first name). | Nein | | Surname | SINGLE | The name 3 field (defaults to: last name). | Nein | | AdditionalName | SINGLE | The name 4 field (defaults to: c/o). | Nein | | Street | SINGLE | The address 1 field (defaults to: street, 'PACKSTATION' or 'POSTFILIALE') | Nein | | HouseNumber | SINGLE | The address 2 field (defaults to: houseNumber, packstationNo) | Nein | | AdditionalAddress3 | SINGLE | The address 3 field (defaults to: additional) | Nein | | AdditionalAddress4 | SINGLE | The address 4 field is currently undefined and can be freely used. | Nein | | ZIP | SINGLE | The postcode. | Nein | | City | SINGLE | The town. | Ja | | CountryID | SINGLE | The ID of the country. | Ja | | StateID | SINGLE | The ID of the state. | Nein | | ContactPerson | SINGLE | The contact person option (alias for option with typeId 12). | Nein | | VATNumber | SINGLE | The tax id number (VAT number) option (alias for option with typeId 1). | Nein | | ExternalAddressID | SINGLE | The external ID option (alias for option with typeId 2). | Nein | | EntryCertificate | SINGLE | The entry certificate (bool) option (alias for option with typeId 3). | Nein | | Telephone | SINGLE | The phone number option (alias for option with typeId 4). | Nein | | Email | SINGLE | The email option (alias for option with typeId 5). | Nein | | Postnumber | SINGLE | The post number option (alias for option with typeId 6). | Nein | | PersonalID | SINGLE | The personal ID option (alias for option with typeId 7). | Nein | | BBFC | SINGLE | The BBFC/FSK option (alias for option with typeId 8). | Nein | | Birthday | SINGLE | The birthday option (alias for option with typeId 9). | Nein | | Title | SINGLE | The title/salutation (alias for option with typeId 11). | Nein | | IsPrimary | SINGLE | Flag that indicates if the address is the primary address. CustomerID (id of contact) must be set to change primary address of contacts. | Nein | |
Das sind die Ergebnisse des Steps, die von nachfolgenden Steps, nach der Ausführung verwendet werden können.
Name | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Werte |
results | SPREADSHEET | Ein Spreadsheet, dass die Ergebnisse der Aktualisierung enthält. | Ja | |
| Folgende Felder sind im Output enthalten:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | ID | SINGLE | ID of Address for update. Leave empty to create a new address (CustomerID required). | Nein | | TypeID | SINGLE | TypeID can only be used for new addresses ('ID' column is empty) | Nein | | Gender | SINGLE | The gender | Nein | | Company | SINGLE | The name 1 field (defaults to: company name). | Nein | | FirstName | SINGLE | The name 2 field (defaults to: first name). | Nein | | Surname | SINGLE | The name 3 field (defaults to: last name). | Nein | | AdditionalName | SINGLE | The name 4 field (defaults to: c/o). | Nein | | Street | SINGLE | The address 1 field (defaults to: street, 'PACKSTATION' or 'POSTFILIALE') | Nein | | HouseNumber | SINGLE | The address 2 field (defaults to: houseNumber, packstationNo) | Nein | | AdditionalAddress3 | SINGLE | The address 3 field (defaults to: additional) | Nein | | AdditionalAddress4 | SINGLE | The address 4 field is currently undefined and can be freely used. | Nein | | ZIP | SINGLE | The postcode. | Nein | | City | SINGLE | The town. | Ja | | CountryID | SINGLE | The ID of the country. | Ja | | StateID | SINGLE | The ID of the state. | Nein | | ReadOnly | SINGLE | Flag that indicates if the data record is read only. | Nein | | ContactPerson | SINGLE | The contact person option (alias for option with typeId 12). | Nein | | VATNumber | SINGLE | The tax id number (VAT number) option (alias for option with typeId 1). | Nein | | ExternalAddressID | SINGLE | The external ID option (alias for option with typeId 2). | Nein | | EntryCertificate | SINGLE | The entry certificate (bool) option (alias for option with typeId 3). | Nein | | Telephone | SINGLE | The phone number option (alias for option with typeId 4). | Nein | | Email | SINGLE | The email option (alias for option with typeId 5). | Nein | | Postnumber | SINGLE | The post number option (alias for option with typeId 6). | Nein | | PersonalID | SINGLE | The personal ID option (alias for option with typeId 7). | Nein | | BBFC | SINGLE | The BBFC/FSK option (alias for option with typeId 8). | Nein | | Birthday | SINGLE | The birthday option (alias for option with typeId 9). | Nein | | SessionID | SINGLE | The frontend session ID (alias for option with typeId 10). | Nein | | Title | SINGLE | The title/salutation (alias for option with typeId 11). | Nein | | CheckedAt | SINGLE | The time the address was checked. | Nein | | CreatedAt | SINGLE | The time the address was created. | Nein | | UpdatedAt | SINGLE | The time the address was updated. | Nein | |