identifier | SINGLE | The identifier column to import Spreadsheet into a Datastore. | Nein | |
ReorderID | SINGLE | | Nein | |
Status | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ResponsibleID | SINGLE | | Nein | |
SupplierID | SINGLE | | Nein | |
WarehouseID | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderOrderDate | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderCompletedDate | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderDeliveryDate | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderPaymentDueDate | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderCreatedAt | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderUpdatedAt | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderSupplierSign | SINGLE | | Nein | |
MarkingID | SINGLE | | Nein | |
PlentyID | SINGLE | | Nein | |
LockStatus | SINGLE | | Nein | |
AmountIsSystemCurrency | SINGLE | Flag that states if the current currency is the same as system currency or not. | Nein | |
AmountCurrency | SINGLE | The currency of the amounts. | Nein | |
AmountExchangeRatio | SINGLE | The exchange rate for converting the current currency into the system currency. | Nein | |
AmountIsNetto | SINGLE | Flag that states if the invoice is net or not. If the invoice is not net, it is gross. | Nein | |
AmountTotalNetto | SINGLE | The total net amount of the order. | Nein | |
AmountTotalBrutto | SINGLE | The total gross amount of the order. | Nein | |
AmountTotalVAT | SINGLE | The total vat amount of the order. | Nein | |
AmountTotalInvoice | SINGLE | The total invoice amount. | Nein | |
AmountPaidAmount | SINGLE | The order amount that is already paid. | Nein | |
AmountTaxlessAmount | SINGLE | The taxless amount of the order. Portion of the total invoice amount without taxes. | Nein | |
AmountPrepaidAmount | SINGLE | This is deprecated and will be removed in the next version. Please use GiftCardAmount instead. | Nein | |
AmountGiftCardAmount | SINGLE | The amount that comes from gift cards that were redeemed when placing the order. The gift cards amount does not reduce the invoice total, but reduces the amount that still needs to be paid. The amount that still needs to paid is not an own parameter because the amount can be calculated by subtracting the gift cards amount from the invoice total. | Nein | |
PaymentStatus | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderProperties | MAP | All reorder properties as map (typeId=value). List of typeIds: | Nein | |
OrderDocumentLanguage | SINGLE | | Nein | |
OrderDocumentNumbers | MAP | | Nein | |
OrderDocumentNumbersWithPrefix | MAP | | Nein | |
OrderDocumentPaths | MAP | | Nein | |
SupplierExternalCustomerID | SINGLE | The external ID of the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierCustomerNumber | SINGLE | The number of the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierType | SINGLE | The ID of the contact type (see PlentyONE CRM - types settings). | Nein | |
SupplierFirstName | SINGLE | The first name of the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierSurname | SINGLE | The last name of the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierFullName | SINGLE | The full name of the contact. A concatenation of first and last name. | Nein | |
SupplierEmail | SINGLE | The private email address of the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierSecondaryEmail | SINGLE | The secondary private email address of the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierGender | SINGLE | The gender of the contact or interested party | Nein | |
SupplierNewsletter | SINGLE | The time the contact registered for the newsletter. | Nein | |
SupplierCustomerClass | SINGLE | The ID of the contact class. | Nein | |
SupplierIsBlocked | SINGLE | The blocked status of the contact. Contacts can be blocked for a specific client (store). | Nein | |
SupplierCustomerRating | SINGLE | The rating of the contact. This rating is for internal use only. 5 red stars are for the worst and 5 yellow stars for the best rating. | Nein | |
SupplierDebitorAccount | SINGLE | The book account (debitor account) of the contact. An additional, separate number that generally corresponds to the customer number or the debtor number in your financial accounting. | Nein | |
SupplierLanguage | SINGLE | The language of the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierReferrerID | SINGLE | The origin of the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierPlentyID | SINGLE | The client (store ID) that is assigned to the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierResponsibleID | SINGLE | The owner ID (user ID) of the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierDateOfBirth | SINGLE | The date of birth of the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierLastLogin | SINGLE | The date of the last login of the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierCreatedAt | SINGLE | The date the contact was created. | Nein | |
SupplierUpdatedAt | SINGLE | The date the contact was last updated. | Nein | |
SupplierTelephone | SINGLE | The private phone number of the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierFax | SINGLE | The private fax number of the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierMobile | SINGLE | The private mobile phone number of the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierContactPerson | SINGLE | The contact person of the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierMarketplacePartner | SINGLE | The marketplace partner status of the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierSalesRepresentativeContactID | SINGLE | The salesRepresentative ID of the contact | Nein | |
SupplierVAT_ID | SINGLE | The vat number of the contact. | Nein | |
SupplierAccount_Id | SINGLE | The ID of the account. | Nein | |
SupplierAccount_Number | SINGLE | The number of the account. | Nein | |
SupplierAccount_CompanyName | SINGLE | The company name. | Nein | |
SupplierAccount_TaxIdNumber | SINGLE | The ID of the tax number | Nein | |
SupplierAccount_Valuta | SINGLE | The valuta date in days specified for the account. | Nein | |
SupplierAccount_DiscountDays | SINGLE | The early payment discount period in days specified for the account. | Nein | |
SupplierAccount_DiscountPercent | SINGLE | The early payment discount in percent specified for the account. | Nein | |
SupplierAccount_TimeForPaymentAllowedDays | SINGLE | The payment due date in days specified for the account. | Nein | |
SupplierAccount_SalesRepresentativeContactId | SINGLE | The contact ID of the sales representative. | Nein | |
SupplierAccount_UserId | SINGLE | The (user) ID of the account owner. | Nein | |
SupplierAccount_DeliveryTime | SINGLE | The delivery time for the supplier. | Nein | |
SupplierAccount_DealerMinOrderValue | SINGLE | The minimum order value for the supplier. | Nein | |
SupplierAccount_SupplierCurrency | SINGLE | The currency used by a supplier. | Nein | |
SupplierAccount_CreatedAt | SINGLE | The time the account was created. | Nein | |
SupplierAccount_UpdatedAt | SINGLE | The time the account was updated. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsIdentifier | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderItemsID | SINGLE | The ID of the reorder item. | Ja | |
ReorderItemsRowID | SINGLE | The ID of the reorder item. | Ja | |
parent_identifier | SINGLE | The parent_identifier column to import Spreadsheet into a Datastore. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsReorderID | SINGLE | The ID of the reorder | Ja | |
ReorderItemsVariantID | SINGLE | Variation ID of the reorder item. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsItemText | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderItemsWarehouseID | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderItemsTypeID | SINGLE | The ID of the reorder item type | Nein | |
ReorderItemsType | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderItemsQuantity | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVAT | SINGLE | The vat amount, e.g. 19.0 for 19% VAT. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVATCountryID | SINGLE | The ID of the VAT configuration. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVATField | SINGLE | The ID of the VAT rate's field. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsEstimatedShippingDate | SINGLE | The estimated shipping date in W3C date format(yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX) of the reorder item. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsAmountPriceBrutto | SINGLE | The total gross price including surcharges and discounts. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsAmountPriceNetto | SINGLE | The total net price including surcharges and discounts. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsAmountCurrency | SINGLE | The currency of the amounts. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsAmountSurcharge | SINGLE | The surcharge as gross amount. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsAmountDiscount | SINGLE | The discount can be a percentage or a fixed value. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsAmountPriceOriginalBrutto | SINGLE | The original gross price without any surcharges or discounts. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsAmountPriceOriginaNetto | SINGLE | The original net price without any surcharges or discounts. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsAmountIsSystemCurrency | SINGLE | Flag that indicates if the current currency is the same as the system currency or not. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsAmountExchangeRatio | SINGLE | The exchange rate for converting the current currency into the system currency. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsAmountPurchasePrice | SINGLE | The purchase price of the variation. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsExternalItemID | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVariantItemID | SINGLE | The item ID of the item that this variation belongs to. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVariantMainVariantID | SINGLE | The variation ID of the item’s main variation. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVariantIsMain | SINGLE | Flag that indicates if the variation is the main variation of the item. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVariantNumber | SINGLE | The unique variation number of the variation. The variation number must be specified. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVariantExternalItemID | SINGLE | The external variation ID of this variation. The external variation number is optional and allows importing items and variations from external systems to PlentyONE. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVariantModel | SINGLE | The model of the variation. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVariantName | SINGLE | The name of the variation. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVariantAvailabilityID | SINGLE | The availability of the variation. Possible values: 1 to 10 | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVariantPurchasePrice | SINGLE | The net purchase price. Value e.g. is used for price calculations. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVariantWidthMM | SINGLE | The width of the variation in millimetres (mm) | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVariantLengthMM | SINGLE | The length of the variation in millimeters (mm) | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVariantHeightMM | SINGLE | The height of the variation in millimetres (mm) | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVariantWeightG | SINGLE | The gross weight of the variation in gramms (g). This weight includes the packaging for variations that are packaged separately. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVariantWeightNetG | SINGLE | The net weight of the variation in gramms (g). This is the weight of the variation without packaging. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVariantCustomsTariffNumber | SINGLE | The customs tariff number of the variation. | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVariationBarcodes | MAP | | Nein | |
ReorderItemsProperties | MAP | All reorder item properties as map (typeId=value). List of typeIds: | Nein | |
ReorderItemsSupplierID | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderItemsItemSupplierPrice | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderItemsSupplierMinimumPurchase | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderItemsSupplierItemNumber | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderItemsLastPriceQuery | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderItemsSupplierDeliveryTime | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderItemsRebate | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderItemsIsRebateAllowed | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderItemsVPE | SINGLE | | Nein | |
ReorderItemsLastUpdate | SINGLE | | Nein | |