In der Regel wird dieser Step verwendet, nachdem die Bestellung vom Käufer bezahlt wurde.
- Auftrag als bezahlt markieren
- Ware/Auftrag als versendet markieren
- hinzufügen der Details der Sendungsverfolgung (Trackingnummer)
- Rückmeldung für den Käufer
Verwenden Sie den Step EbayGetOrders, um eine Liste der aktiven und abgeschlossenen Aufträge abzurufen.
Das sind die Optionen, mit denen man den Step konfigurieren kann.
Name | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Werte |
account | ACCOUNT | Ihre ebay Verbindung | Ja | |
spreadSheetInput | SPREADSHEET | SPREADSHEET mit den Daten. | Ja | |
mappingdefinition | STRING | Die Mapping-Definition JSON String | Nein | |
| Folgende Felder sind zu konfigurieren:
Feld | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Standardwert | OrderID | SINGLE | A unique identifier that identifies a single line item or multiple line item order.A unique identifier for an eBay order. An OrderID value should only be used in a CompleteSale call for a single line item order. For a multiple line item order, the OrderLineItemID or ItemID/TransactionID pair must be used to identify an order line item within the order. OrderID overrides an OrderLineItemID or ItemID/TransactionID pair if these fields are also specified in the same request. | Nein | | OrderLineItemID | SINGLE | Unique identifier for an eBay item listing. An OrderLineItemID value can be used in a CompleteSale request to identify a line item within an order. Alternatively, an ItemID/TransactionID pair can also be used to identify a line item. | Nein | | ItemID | SINGLE | Unique identifier for an eBay item listing. Unique identifier for an eBay listing. An ItemID value can be paired up with a corresponding TransactionID value in a CompleteSale request to identify a single order line item. Alternatively, the OrderLineItemID value for the order line item can be used. | Nein | | TransactionID | SINGLE | Unique identifier for an eBay item listing. Unique identifier for a sales transaction. A TransactionID identifier is created once there is a commitment to buy. The TransactionID can be paired up with the corresponding ItemID value in a CompleteSale request to identify a single order line item. Alternatively, the OrderLineItemID value for the order line item can be used. | Nein | | Paid | SINGLE | Set to order is paid or awaiting payment | Nein | | Shipped | SINGLE | Set to shipped or remaining | Nein | | TrackingNumber | SINGLE | Use this to set your trackingnumber.Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported for shipment tracking numbers, and any other characters are not supported, including spaces, hyphens, and all other special characters. Users should not enter spaces even if spaces are shown for the tracking number on the shipping label. If you set a tracking number, you must also determine a shipping carrier. | Nein | | ShipmentCarrier | SINGLE | If you set a tracking number, you must also determine a shipping carrier.. | Nein | | CommentText | SINGLE | Textual comment that explains, clarifies, or justifies the Feedback rating specified in CommentType. This field is required if you want to leave Feedback. | Nein | | CommentType | SINGLE | This value indicates the Feedback rating for the user specified in the TargetUser field. This field is required if you want to leave Feedback. | Nein | | TargetUserId | SINGLE | This eBay User ID identifies the recipient user for whom the feedback is being left. This field is required if you want to leave Feedback. | Nein | |
limit | STRING | Begrenzt die Anzahl der Aufträge. | Nein | |
Das sind die Ergebnisse des Steps, die von nachfolgenden Steps, nach der Ausführung verwendet werden können.
Name | Datentyp | Beschreibung | Pflichtfeld | Werte |
output | SPREADSHEET | Eine SPREADSHEET mit abgeschlossenen Ebay-Bestellungen. | Ja | |